(8.D.2.5) BufferUp

(8.D.2.5) BufferUp


Buffers the input into larger block sizes. Non-overlapping


This module is the interface between small block processing and large block processing. The module buffers up small blocks of data into larger non-overlapping blocks. The larger blocks are executed in a lower priority thread compared to the smaller blocks. The module works on any 32-bit data type including integer, fract32, and floating-point.

The module is similar to the rebuffer_module.m. The rebuffer_module buffers up into OVERLAPPING blocks while this module buffers up into NONOVERLAPPING blocks.

The argument OUTBLOCKSIZE determines the blockSize of the output pin. If OUTBLOCKSIZE is positive, then the output blockSize equals OUTBLOCKSIZE. If OUTBLOCKSIZE is negative, then the output blockSize equals the input blockSize times (-OUTBLOCKSIZE).

Note, not all targets support this. Check the target documentation to see how many levels of audio processing are supported.

Type Definition

-Not Shown-


Input Pins

Name: in

Description: audio input

Data type: {float, int, fract32}

Channel range: Unrestricted

Block size range: Unrestricted

Sample rate range: Unrestricted

Complex support: Real and Complex

Output Pins

Name: out

Description: audio output

Data type: {float, int, fract32}


File Name: buffer_up_subsystem.m

SYS=buffer_up_subsystem(NAME, OUTBLOCKSIZE) Create a module which buffers up data into a larger block size. The buffering is non-overlapping and the downstream processing occurs at a decimated block rate. Arguments: NAME - name of the module. OUTBLOCKSIZE - specifies the blockSize of the output pin. If OUTBLOCKSIZE is positive, then the blockSize of the output pin equals OUTBLOCKSIZE. If OUTBLOCKSIZE is negative, then the blockSize of the output pin equals (-OUTBLOCKSIZE) times the blockSize of the input pin.


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