(8.D.2.7) ZeroPadding

(8.D.2.7) ZeroPadding


Zero padding


The zero_padding_module extends the length of a block of adding zeros at the end. The module works with real or complex data and any number of channels. At instantiation time, you specify the output block size (OUTLEN). If OUTLEN is less than the input block size then the input data is truncated to OUTLEN.

Type Definition

typedef struct _ModuleZeroPadding { ModuleInstanceDescriptor instance; // Common Audio Weaver module instance structure } ModuleZeroPaddingClass;


Input Pins

Name: in

Description: input

Data type: {float, int, fract32}

Channel range: Unrestricted

Block size range: Unrestricted

Sample rate range: Unrestricted

Complex support: Real and Complex

Output Pins

Name: out

Description: zero padded output

Data type: {float, int, fract32}


File Name: zero_padding_module.m

M=zero_padding_module(NAME, OUTLEN) Creates an Audio Weaver module that implements the zero padding procedure.


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