(8.D.2.2) Reciprocal

(8.D.2.2) Reciprocal


Computes the reciprocal (1/x) on a sample-by-sample basis


Generates the reciprocal of the input signal on a sample-by-sample basis. $out[n]=\frac{\displaystyle 1}{\displaystyle in[n]}$ Note that the module does not do any input checking and if the input is 0 then the output will be NaN.

Type Definition

typedef struct _ModuleReciprocal { ModuleInstanceDescriptor instance; // Common Audio Weaver module instance structure } ModuleReciprocalClass;


Input Pins

Name: in

Description: Input signal

Data type: float

Channel range: Unrestricted

Block size range: Unrestricted

Sample rate range: Unrestricted

Complex support: Real

Output Pins

Name: out

Description: Output signal

Data type: float


File Name: reciprocal_module.m

M=reciprocal_module(NAME) Creates a module that produces the reciprocal of the input signal for use with the Audio Weaver. Arguments: NAME - name of the module.


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