Uniformly distributed white noise generator
Generates uniformly distributed random values at the sample rate in the specified range. Internally, the module uses a random number generator and then scales the values into the proper range.
Note: if a constant RNG seed is required, please use the Rand module.
Type Definition
typedef struct _ModuleWhiteNoise { ModuleInstanceDescriptor instance; // Common Audio Weaver module instance structure FLOAT32 range; // Generated noise will be in the interval [-range +range]. awe_modRandInstance *rand; // Random number generator using a LCG algorithm awe_modTypeConversionInstance *int2flt; // Converts between numeric data types awe_modScalerV2Instance *scale; // General purpose scaler with a single gain } ModuleWhiteNoiseClass;
Name | Type | Usage | isHidden | Default value | Range | Units |
range | float | parameter | 0 | 1 | -10:10 | range |
Output Pins
Name: out
Description: audio output
Data type: float
Scratch Pins
Channel count: 1
Block size: 32
Sample rate: 48000
File Name: white_noise_module.m
M=white_noise_module(NAME, SR, NUMCHANNELS, BLOCKSIZE) Creates a white noise generator for use in the Audio Weaver environment. The module has a single multichannel output pin. Arguments: NAME - name of the module. SR - sample rate of the output. NUMCHANNELS - number of interleaved channels in each output pin. BLOCKSIZE - number of samples per output channel.