Image Control
The Image Inspector Control displays a static image of any of BMP, JPG, or PNG scaled to fit the inspector bounds. Transparency is supported for PNG images. Displays a flat light, blue image if no valid image file is specified.
Name | Type | Default value | Range | Description |
name | string | Designer Assigned | Unrestricted | Name of the Inspector Panel |
dialogCaption | string | name | Unrestricted | Text to display in the panel caption bar |
dialogBorder | int | true | 0:1:1 | When true, displays a border all around the panel |
dialogTextcolor | int | 000000 | 0:1:ffffff | Default text color to be use by inspectors contained. In practice, overridden by the inspector properties |
dialogBorderColor | int | b4b4b4 | 0:1:ffffff | Color of the dialog border |
dialogWidth | int | 400 | Unrestricted | Width of panel area in DPI independent units |
dialogHeight | int | 400 | Unrestricted | Height of panel area in DPI independent units |
dialogBkcolor | int | f0f0f0 | 0:1:ffffff | Color for all parts of the Inspector Panel not covered by inspectors |
flip | int | false | 0:1:1 | When true, flips the panel left to right |
x | int | none | Unrestricted | Horizontal position of the panel on the canvas |
y | int | none | Unrestricted | Vertical position of the panel on the canvas |
width | int | 7 | 5:1:1000 | Width of the panel on the canvas |
height | int | 6 | 3:1:1000 | Height of the panel on the canvas |
text.color | int | 000000 | 0:1:ffffff | Color of the panel text |
text.points | int | 8 | 4:1:100 | Size of the panel text |
text.align | string | center | left/center/right | Positioning of panel text |