(8.D.3.1) Audio Weaver Tuning Command Syntax

(8.D.3.1) Audio Weaver Tuning Command Syntax


As shown below, there are 3 main components of an Audio Weaver system that require communication in order to tune an audio system. The Designer GUI will generate text based tuning commands (AWS) based on the layout and any user tuning commands. These commands are sent to AWE Server, which in turn compiles the AWS commands into binary commands (AWB) that are sent to the target running the AWE Core. The target processes the AWB commands and then generates a reply message that is sent back to the AWE Server.

The text-based commands may also be generated by external tools and scripts rather than by AWE Designer. Example scripts, written in Python and MATLAB, are shown below. These scripts connect to the AWE Server at TCP port 15007 (to bypass port 15001, which AWE Designer GUI uses) and reads and writes the ScalerDBControl module’s currentGain variable in an active layout in real-time. The remainder of this document describes the full set of tuning commands and arguments.

The AWD which works with these scripts is attached below. Load this AWD into Audio Weaver, then build and run the layout. Finally, run the script.

Python 2.7 and 3.11

import socket import time TCP_IP = 'localhost' TCP_PORT = 15007 BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 # Open a TCP socket to AWE Server s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((TCP_IP, TCP_PORT)) print ("Scaler 1") # Read the value of scaler 1's gain s.send(b'0,get_value,Scaler1.currentGain\n') data = s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) print (data) # Attenuate scaler 1 to 0.5 s.send(b'0,set_value,Scaler1.currentGain,0.5\n') data = s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) print (data) print ("Scaler 2") # Read the value of scaler 2's gain s.send(b'0,get_value,Scaler2.currentGain\n') data = s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) print (data) # Attenuate Scaler 2 to 0.5 s.send(b'0,set_value,Scaler2.currentGain,0.5\n') data = s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) print (data)

The expected output is shown below.


Python 2.7

Note the integer value that comes after the “success” status in the responses. This is the parameter ID for the chosen module variable that you accessed using the Mod.Var format. In the case of Scaler1, no objectID was assigned, so this value is dynamically determined when the layout is built and run (i.e., unpredictable).

If you assign an objectID, as is shown with Scaler2 below, the value will be the decimal equivalent of that parameter’s handle, as shown in the generated ControlInterface.h file:

#define AWE_Scaler2_currentGain_HANDLE 0x07530009

0x07530009 = 122880009 (decimal)


MATLAB (tested with r2023b)

% Open a TCP socket to AWE Server client = tcpclient('', 15007, "Timeout", 1000); % Read the value of the scaler's gain writeline(client, 'get_value,Scaler1.currentGain'); readline(client) % Attenuate channel 1 to 0.5 writeline(client, 'set_value,Scaler1.currentGain,0.5'); readline(client)

The expected output in the MATLAB console is shown below.

INI file settings

Colors may be customized in the INI file as follows:


TileEdge — default 180,180,180, the color the edges of meter and slider controls are drawn.

DrawSides — default 1, when set boxes are drawn around meter and slider controls using TileEdge color

InspectorFace — default 230,230,230, the color dialog faces (other than the server dialog) are drawn

DropList — default 240,240,255, the color drop list backgrounds are drawn

TextColor — default 0,0,0, the color static text controls are drawn

By default none are specified in the INI file, so the given defaults are used.


All commands are sent by TCP/IP. All commands are of the form:

[coreID,] command_key_word [, argN]

in other words, a CSV string. White space is not significant in commands unless within a string value. Any value containing commas (generally only file names) must be quoted with double quotes. Arguments may be redundantly double-quoted.

If present, the numeric coreID specifies the core for which the command is intended. Multicore systems have cores with IDs starting at zero. If no ID is specified, zero is assumed. Single core systems have only one core with ID zero. In the following sections, core IDs are not shown in command descriptions.

Multicore systems have 2 or more cores. On SMP systems (Windows and Linux) you can specify how many cores you want to use. Embedded systems have a fixed number of cores. In both cases, each core is an independent AWE instance sharing system I/O with all other cores. Up to 16 cores may be bound to an input (source) pin, and IPC pins are provided to pass data between cores.

Some commands such as destroy, audio_pump, audio_stop and so on are commands to the system (or BSP), not to any specific core/ Such commands may have a core ID prefix, but it is ignored. These commands are considered to be BSP commands, and are noted as such in the detailed description.

Commands are received on one of 6 sockets:

  • 15001 - for Designer use

  • 15003 - for Designer GUI use

  • 15005 - for special use (advanced)

  • 15007 - general purpose

  • 15009 - general purpose

  • 15011 - general purpose

When using command line server in a user system avoid using the first three sockets so Designer has sockets available for tuning and control. The general purpose sockets are for user use.

Commands marked below as GUI only act only in Windows AWE Server. Those commands report success and are ignored on command line versions.

The reply from all commands is either:

success [, args ...]


failed, reason

The command keyword is not case sensitive.

All commands may fail for reasons not to do with the command. If the target crashes, or the link goes down, you may get a reply “failed,reason explaining what failed”. Most commonly, these will be:

  • failed,heap allocation request too large (ran out of heap in any command)

  • failed,bad packet received (target probably crashed)

  • failed,message too long (target BSP configuration error likely)

  • failed,bad heap pointer (target probably crashed)

  • failed,CRC error (link corruption or BSP memory corruption)

  • failed,communications error (link corruption or BSP memory corruption)

  • failed,message timed out (link failed or target crashed)

  • failed,linked list corrupted (target memory corrupted)

Details of all possible target errors are in Errors.h. Most are specifically due to errors in the command. However, obscure cases can arise with any command that can cause any message in Errors.h. All command replies should be tested for failed and appropriate action taken. Never ignore command replies.

The commands are summarized as follows (expand to view table):






Adds one or more modules to a given layout.


Defines a new entry in the symbol table based on the unique ID of the object.


Run the layout using either WAV/MP3 files, or audio line input as the source (BSP)


Stop the audio pump if running (BSP)


Binds a named wire to an input or output pin


Close an audio device used for combined input, giving zero samples in its place


Close an audio device used for combined output


Generic command handler (advanced).


Compiles an AWS script file to AWB binary form (BSP)


Initiates a connection from a client (backward compatibility, ignored, BSP)


Removes credentials from the INI file


Empty the server symbol table. (Windows, Linux)


Creates a control to display 4 radio buttons of module state (BSP, GUI only)


Creates an image control on a dialog (BSP, GUI only)


Creates a button on a dialog (BSP, GUI only)


Creates a checkbox on a dialog (BSP, GUI only)


Creates a named dialog (BSP, GUI only)


Creates a drop list control on a dialog (BSP, GUI only)


Creates a drop list control specifying AWS script files allowing the user to select and run presets from the list (BSP, GUI only)


Creates an edit box control on a dialog (BSP, GUI only)


Creates a file list control on a dialog.  Used for streaming files to the target (BSP, GUI only)


Creates a graph control that represents array elements as bar graphs (BSP, GUI only)


Creates a grid control operating as as small spreadsheet for manipulating one or two dimensional arrays (BSP, GUI only)


Creates a layout with the specified properties


Creates an LED style control on a dialog (BSP, GUI only)


Creates an O(1) ID lookup table


Creates a meter control on a dialog (BSP, GUI only)


Creates a module with the specified properties


Creates a slider or knob control on a dialog (BSP, GUI only)


Creates an X-Y spline control on a dialog (BSP, GUI only)


Creates a static text control on a dialog (BSP, GUI only)


Creates a wire with specified properties


Cause deferred commands to be executed.


Deletes a file (BSP)


Unconditionally destroys all created objects (BSP)


Destroys a dialog (BSP, GUI only)


Toggles between normal and expanded views (BSP, GUI only)


Stops logging of binary commands sent to the target (BSP)


Erases all files in the target file system (BSP)


Checks if a dialog with a specified name exists (BSP, GUI only)


Causes the server to exit (BSP)


Run a layout using only files at the greatest possible speed. Intended for test (BSP)


Reads float arrays of binary data (Matlab)


Reads integer arrays of binary data (Matlab)


Writes arrays of binary float data (Matlab)


Writes arrays of binary integer data (Matlab)


Writes arrays of binary float data without performing a set call (Matlab)


Writes arrays of binary integer data without performing a set call (Matlab)


Report if a specified file exists (BSP)


Specifies whether to log commands and replies to a file (BSP)


Bind a WAV file to an input pin as a file player (BSP)


Brings all Audio Weaver windows to the foreground thus making them visible (BSP, GUI only)


Change the connected target (BSP)


Returns an entry from the AWE_Server.ini file (BSP)


Calls the get_call function of a module


Returns the number of cores or instances.


Returns the number of cores or instances, and their IDs.


Returns the directory containing the AWE_Server.exe executable (BSP)


Returns the target’s extended info.


Returns information about the target file system (BSP)


Return info on the first (and possibly only) core (BSP)


Returns the properties of the first file (BSP)


Returns the properties of the first I/O object


Returns the properties of the first object instance


Returns the number of framework heaps


Returns the free space and sizes of the heaps


Returns the number of cores or instances and their IDs.


Returns the number of module classes


Returns information about the specified module class


Returns the muted etc. state of the given module


Return info on cores after the first (BSP)


Returns the properties of the next file, or fails if no more (BSP)


Returns the properties of the next I/O object, or fails of no more


Returns the properties of the next object, or fails if no more objects


Returns the properties of the named object


Returns the properties of an audio file


Returns the schema for a class (BSP)


Returns the detailed info for an AWE instance.


Report the type of an expression (int, float, ...) (BSP)


Returns the value of a symbolically specified location


Returns the current version number of Audio Weaver (BSP)


Controls whether commands and replies are logged on the server control panel (BSP)


Cause the audio pump to die


Starts logging of binary target commands to a named file (BSP)


Launches a browser and displayed a specified page (BSP, GUI only)


Bind a file writer to an output pin


Pump the entire framework once


Pumps the given layout once


Executes the pump function of the given module


Queries a named pin for its properties


Test if the audio pump is running


Queries a named wire for its properties


Reads from a file (BSP)


Reads values from an array as floats


Reads values from an array as fracts reported is floating values


Reads values from an array as integers


Cause an embedded target to reboot. Ignored by Windows and Linux


Change the name of a pin


Reopen an input device previously closed with close_input


Reopen an output device previously closed with close_output


Executes a script file containing commands (BSP)


Choose which core to report on (BSP, GUI only)


Writes a specified INI file entry with a value (BSP)


Calls the set_call function of a module


Sets a description file used for target emulation


For multicore SMP systems you can specify how many cores to use (BSP)


Change the ID of some module to the specified ID


Sets a given module to muted, activated, bypass, or disabled


Set the path to search for audio files used by audio_pump


Assigns a symbolically specified location a pointer value


Assigns a symbolically specified location a value


Allows the server dialog to be hidden while child dialogs are up (BSP, GUI only)


Cause an embedded target to run an AWB file from its local file system


Cause a target to echo a message to stdout.


Updates the O(1) ID lookup table after IDs have been changed by assignment (legacy support only, ignored)


Write to a target file system file (BSP)


Writes values to a float array


As write_float_array, but no set call.


Writes values to a fract array


As write_fract_array, but no set call.


Writes values to an integer array


As write_int_array, but no set call.


Write input wire, pump, layout, read output wire. Intended for test



add_module,layout_instance_name,offset,module1, ... ,moduleN


layout_instance_name – identifier for a previously allocated layout,

offset – must be an integer >= 0,

each module must be the name of a module created by create_module

This call adds the specified modules to the layout. The layout and modules must already have been allocated by previous server calls. The layout internally contains an array of module pointers. This function sets the module pointers starting at the zero-based offset within the array. Call this function multiple times to populate all modules within the layout.

On success the reply is:





Adds an entry to the symbol table based on its ID within the linked list of objects. Arguments:

name - name of the object. Must be unique.

className - class name of the object. (Module class, wire class, etc.)

ID – unique ID assigned to the object at instantiation time.

If successful, an object of the specified className will be added to the symbol table. This command is typically used to attach to a running layout.

The reply is one of:


failed, argument count

failed, ID invalid

failed, no such class as className

failed, instance name already defined

audio_pump (BSP)


audio_pump [, file_name [,record=record_file] ]

If file_name is given, creates a WAV/MP3 file reader at the rate of the file, otherwise creates a sound card reader. It then creates an output device and calls the framework pump at a rate suitable to pump samples.

If there are no wires bound to input or output pins, the code directly connects the input to the output, making a simple player. This capability is for testing.

If the second argument starts with 'record=' then a file is specified to capture output. This file will be a WAV file with as many channels as the output and at the same rate. Warning: this file will grow without bound and should be used only for limited test purposes.

If the layout specified rate does not match the rates supported in hardware, the nearest supported rate is used.

The reply is one of:

Success, sample rate

failed, open sound card for input returned an error

failed, player create returned 0x%08x

failed, renderer create returned 0x%08x

where the value is the error code from the sound subsystem.

If the server is connected to a target, the file_name argument is not permitted. If the file is not found as specified, and does not have an absolute path, it is searched for in the audio path. See set_path.

audio_stop (BSP)



Unconditionally terminates the audio pump if running. The reply is always:


If the server is connected to a target, the target DMA and rendering is halted.




Causes wireName to be bound to the pinName. It is an error for an output I/O pin to be bound more than once. Input or Output are the default I/O pins. All wire binding is released by destroy.

The reply is:


clear_credentials (Windows)



Unconditionally removes the user credentials and if it exists the off-line license from the INI file. The command has effect on Windows only and does not involve the target in any way.

The reply is:


clear_symbols (Windows, Linux)



Empties the server symbol table. This does not involve the target in any way.

The reply is:


close_input (BSP)



When several device are merged for audio input (numbered 0 - N-1) close one of these devices by its index, causing zero samples to be generated in its place. This command is a specialized command for users that need to disconnect from a device that is about to be reconfigured. See reopen_input.

close_output (BSP)



When several device are merged for audio output (numbered 0 - N-1) close one of these devices by its index. Samples being written to that device are discarded. This command is a specialized command for users that need to disconnect from a device that is about to be reconfigured. See reopen_output,



cmd,opcode [,arg1, ... ,argN]

This is a backdoor command, which allows an arbitrary command packet to be sent to the target. Where

opcode – 8-bit command opcode (see ProxyIDs.h)

arg1, … , argN – packet payload. No CRC; this is automatic.

Some commands do not take any arguments. For example, a call to destroy the target would look like


Another example is a call to Create Module. It calls ClassModule_Constructor(), and its arguments are:


where the number of wires J is encoded in the nIO bitfield. The command has one result - the module address.

The return is either:

success [<ret1>, ... ,<retN>]

or a normal failure code.

compile (BSP)


compile,flags,source_file,destination_file [, target_buffer_size ]

Instructs the server to compile source_file which must be a file containing valid commands from this document (generally an AWS file created by Designer) into destination_file in AWB binary format.

If target_buffer_size is not specified, then 264 is assumed. Commands will be compiled so as to fit in the specified command buffer. It is important when compiling for a target with a non-default buffer size to specify the buffer size to use. Note that current AWE builds have a buffer size of 4105. The command will fail if the buffer size specified is outside the range 16-4105.

The flags argument is no longer used. It is retained for backwards compatability, supply zero.

The command fails if source_file contains a make_binary command.

The command silently strips any command that tries to read a value in any way, or to operate in any way on a GUI object (inspector dialogs) from the output bit stream.

On success, the reply is:




There are many possible reasons for failure.

connect (BSP)



Instructs the server to reply to client_name on the given port. client_name must be the name of the PC running the client. The reply is:


On receipt of this reply, the client knows it is connected.

This command is for legacy purposes only, and does nothing.

create_active (BSP, GUI only)


create_active,dialog,left,top,moduleName [, bgnd_color [, text_color]]


dialog – must be a dialog created by create_dialog,

left,top, – describes a position on the dialog surface

moduleName – a dot-expression that evaluates to the name of a module, optionally multiple expressions separated by semicolons may be used

bgnd_color – will be the dialog background color, default from [InspectorColors] InspectorFace=230,230,230

text_color – will be the text color of text controls, default [InspectorColors] TextColor=0,0,0

Creates a small control comprising 4 radio buttons in the order Active, Muted, Bypassed, Inactive. The control initializes its state from the specified module (or first module if there are several semicolon separated names). At 5Hz, it reads the module state (or first module if there are several semicolon separated names), causing the display to update if the module state changes.

On choosing a radio button, all modules (if there are several semicolon separated names) will be set to the new state.

create_bitmap (BSP, GUI only)




dialog – must be a dialog created by create_dialog,

left,top,width,height – describes a rectangle on the dialog surface

fileName – is the name of an image file (BMP only) to display

Causes the specified image to be rendered on the dialog in the specified rectangle. Images are rendered beneath any controls the dialog may have, and, if more than one is specified, are drawn in order – that is the most recently specified bitmap appears above all earlier ones.

If the height or width are negative (usually –1), then only the [top,left] position is used – the size of the rectangle is obtained from the image; otherwise the image is stretched or shrunk as needed in both axes to fit the rectangle specified.

create_button (BSP, GUI only)




dialog – must be a dialog created by create_dialog,

left,top,width,height – describes a rectangle on the dialog surface

caption – the text to appear on the button face

script_file – names a file of commands to be executed when the button is clicked

Creates a button control on the dialog of the specified size. On clicking the button ,the commands in the scrip file are executed.

ScriptFile may be commands instead of a filename; those commands are:

RemoveControls – deletes all the controls on a dialog

RemoveBitmaps – deletes all the images created by create_bitmap.

create_checkbox (BSP, GUI only)




dialog – must be a dialog created by create_dialog,

left,top,width,height – describes a rectangle on the dialog surface

legend – the text to appear to the right of the checkbox

attributes – a string of attribute controlling the appearance of the check box control

dot-expression – an expression to assign the value of the checkbox (0=not checked, 1=checked) each time the state of the checkbox changes

The attributes string must be a space separated string consisting of one or more of the following. If items are repeated, the right-most one is the one that takes effect.

readonly=val – 0 or 1, default 0; – when set, prevents the user changing the selection

Creates a checkbox control on the dialog of the specified size. On clicking the checkbox (causing its state to toggle) the new check state is assigned to the dot-expression. As with all assignments, the Set() function of the appropriate module is called after the assignment. At a rate of 5Hz, the expression is examined: if it changes the check mark is updated.

create_dialog (BSP, GUI only)


create_dialog,dialogName,left,top,width,height,width2,height2,caption[ ,bgnd_color [, combo_color [, text_color]]]


dialogName – must be a an identifier not in use by any object

left,top,width,height – describes the size and position of the dialog surface

width2,height2 – describes the alternate width and height of the dialog – zero values mean there is no alternate size.

caption – will be the dialog caption

bgnd_color – will be the dialog background color, default from [InspectorColors] InspectorFace=230,230,230

combo_color – will be the color of drop list backgrounds, default from [InspectorColors] DropList=240,240,255

text_color – will be the text color of text controls, default [InspectorColors] TextColor=0,0,0

Creates a new dialog with the given name and caption. Dialogs and all their child controls are destroyed either by destroy or specifically by destroy_dialog.

create_droplist (BSP, GUI only)


create_droplist, dialog,left,top,width,height,nameValueList,caption,attributes,dot-expression


dialog – must be a dialog created by create_dialog,

left,top,width,height – describes the position and width of the drop list control

nameValueList of the form “string=value ….” – used to populate the list and specify the value associated with each item

caption – specifies the caption to appear above the drop list control

attributes – a string of attributes controlling the appearance of the combo box control

dot-expression – an expression to assign the value of the selection each time the selection changes

The attributes string must be a space separated string consisting of one or more of the following. If items are repeated, the right-most one is the one that takes effect.

readonly=val – 0 or 1, default 0; when set, prevents the user changing the selection

Creates a droplist control on the dialog of the specified size. On selecting an item in the droplist associated value is assigned to the dot-expression. As with all assignments, the Set() function of the appropriate module is called after the assignment. At a rate of 5Hz, the variable is examined: if it has changed, the selection is updated.

create_awslist (BSP, GUI only)


create_awslist, dialog,left,top,width,height,nameValueList,caption,attributes


dialog – must be a dialog created by create_dialog,

left,top,width,height describes the position and width of the drop list control

nameValueList of the form “string=filename ….” – used to populate the list and specify the file name associated with each item

caption – specifies the caption to appear above the drop list control

attributes – a string of attribute controlling the appearance of the combo box control

dot-expression – an expression to assign the value of the selection each time the selection changes

The attributes string must be a space separated string consisting of one or more of the following. If items are repeated, the right-most one is the one that takes effect.

readonly=val – 0 or 1, default 0; when set, prevents the user changing the selection

Creates a droplist control on the dialog of the specified size. On selecting an item in the droplist the associated file is executed as an AWS script file.

create_edit (BSP, GUI only)


create_edit,dialog,caption,left,top,attributes,caption,dot-expression [,in-expression]


dialog – must be a dialog created by create_dialog,

left,top – describes the position and width of the drop list control

attributes – a string of attribute controlling the appearance of the edit control

caption – specifies the caption to appear above the edit control

dot-expression – an expression to assign the value of the edit box

in-expression – if present is checked at 5Hz, and updates the edit control when it changes

Creates an edit control with a caption above in a box 69 wide by 42 high.

The attributes string must be a space separated string consisting of one or more of the following. If items are repeated, the right-most one is the one that takes effect.

format=format_specifier – a printf style format to use when formatting values, default %.2f

stepsize=step – default 0, the amount by which displayed values will be quantized

min=val – default -100, the minimum displayable value on the meter

max=val – default 0, the maximum displayable value on the meter

readonly – 0 or 1, default 0; when set, prevents the user editing the value

create_filelist (BSP, GUI only)


create_filelist,dialog,name,left,top,height,buffer_expression,buffer_size_expression,async_expression, type_expression[,filepath[,rate]]


dialog – must be a dialog created by create_dialog

name – specifies the caption to appear above the control

left,top,height – describes the position and height of the control

buffer_expression – expression specifying the start address of the buffer used to transfer data to the target

buffer_size_expression – expression specifying the size of the transfer buffer.

async_expression – expression specifying where the PC should write asynchronous notifications.

type_expression – expression specifying where the PC should a 32-bit integer containing the first 4 characters of the file extension.

filepath – optional list of files to populate dialog with at startup

rate – rate in Hz at which to poll and fill the transfer buffer.

The file list control is used to stream data from a file to the target. The transfer buffer holds a total of buffer_size + 1 32-bit words. The final word in the transfer buffer, buffer[buffer_size] is the handshaking word. At a 10 Hz rate, the control checks whether

buffer[buffer_size] == 0

If non-zero, nothing happens. If equal to zero, the control opens the current file, seeks to the current seek position, reads buffer_size*4 bytes from it (if possible), fills buffer with the actual bytes read, and closes the file. The low 24 bits of the handshaking word at buffer[buffer_size] is set to the number of bytes reads. The high 8 bits are set to one of the following notifications:

FIOS_NewStream – Indicates that we are at the start of a new file

FIOS_NextBlock – Set for the second block onward until the next to last block

FIOS_LastBlock – Indicates that this is the last block of data in a file.

(These are defined in Framework.h).

Typically, a single write to the target of length buffer_size+1 words occurs. Only at the end of the file are two separate write performed; the data followed by the handshaking word.

If the end of file is reached and there are no more files to play, the writing of data stops. Otherwise, the next file is opened and playback continues.

The asynchronous handshaking word notifies of other conditions.

FIOS_Stopped - generated by Stop only

FIOS_Paused - generated by Pause only

FIOS_Error - generated by a file I/O error when reading the current file, no data is sent

The type_expression indicates the extension of the file being played to the target processor. type_expression is updated whenever the first block of a new file is played. The file extension is converted to upper case, zero-padded or truncated, and packed into a 32-bit integer. The value written is in little-endian format and the least significant byte of the word holds the first character. For example,

mp3 0x00 0x33 0x50 0x4D '3' 'P' 'M'

create_graph (BSP, GUI only)




dialog – must be a dialog created by create_dialog,

left,top,width,height – describes the position and size of the graph

attributes – a string of attribute controlling the appearance of the meter

dot-expression – describes an element taken to be the first in an array

count – the number of elements to use

The attributes string must be a space separated string consisting of one or more of the following. If items are repeated, the right-most one is the one that takes effect.

format=format_specifier – a printf style format to use when formatting values, default %.2f

mapping=[db20|undb20|lin[ear]] – default db20. The value is displayed according to the mapping.

stepsize=step – default 0, the amount by which displayed values will be quantized

meteroffset=offs – default 0, an amount to be added to values before use

min=val – default -100, the minimum displayable value on the meter

max=val – default 0, the maximum displayable value on the meter

numbers – default 0, when non-zero specifies that numbers should be drawn above each element

This command creates a graph object of the specified size. The width of the object is divided by count to give the width of each stripe. 10 times a second, the target array is queried for count values, and those values used to display the graph stripes. If numbers is set, then the top 16 pixels of the graph is used to display the numeric value of each element according to the format specified. The width of each strip needs to be 25 or more when displaying numbers to avoid truncation of the text.

create_grid (BSP, GUI only)




dialog – must be a dialog created by create_dialog,

left,top,width,height – describes the position and size of the grid control

attributes – a string of attribute controlling the appearance of the grid control

dot-expression – describes an element taken to be the first in an array

count1 – the size of the first dimension

count2 – if present is the size of the second dimension

The attributes string must be a space separated string consisting of one or more of the following. If items are repeated, the right-most one is the one that takes effect.

format=format_specifier – a printf style format to use when formatting values, default %g

min=val – default –1e10, the minimum displayable value on the grid

max=val – default 1e10, the maximum displayable value on the grid

colwidth – default 50, value must be >= 50, width of column in pixels

sidewidth – default 30, value must be >= 30, width of first column in pixels

The command creates a grid control of the specified size. If count2 is given, the control as count2+1 columns, the first being the index, otherwise the control has 2 columns, the first being the index. The control operates as a very simple spreadsheet. On changing the value of any cell, the underlying array element is assigned, and the corresponding module’s set member is called. At 5Hz intervals, the grid will repaint itself if any element has changed value.





layout_instance_name – must be an identifier not currently defined,

divider – must be an integer >= 1,

nModules – must be an integer >= 1

This creates a layout object named layout_instance_name that can hold a total of nModules with the given divider. A layout is a collection of modules that are all pumped together at the given division rate. Only memory for the layout is allocated and a few internal fields of the layout structure set; no modules have been added. Modules must be subsequently added by calls to add_module.

On success the reply is:

success, heap1,heap2,heap3,layout_instance_name=instanceID

create_led (BSP, GUI only)


create_led, dialog,left,top,width,height legend,dot-expression


dialog – must be a dialog created by create_dialog,

left,top,width,height – describes the top-left corner of the LED control

legend – the text to appear to the right of the LED image

dot-expression – an expression to evaluate at 5Hz – if non zero the LED is shown lit

Creates an LED control. If the value described by dot-expression is non-zero, the LED is shown bright green, otherwise dark green. The expression is evaluated every 200 msec.



create_lookup, maxId


maxID – must be a non-zero integer

Creates a lookup table that handles IDs in the range 1..maxID by providing a fast O(1) lookup table. If no table is specified, lookups are O(N/2).




This command is for legacy purposes, and does nothing.

create_meter (BSP, GUI only)


create_meter, dialog,left,top,attributes,dot-expression


dialog – must be a dialog created by create_dialog,

left,top – describes the top-left corner of the LED control

attributes – a string of attribute controlling the appearance of the meter

dot-expression – an expression to evaluate at 5Hz – if non zero the LED is shown lit

Creates a meter control. The value described by dot-expression is evaluated every 200 msec, and used to update the appearance of the meter.

The attributes string must be a space separated string consisting of one or more of the following. If items are repeated, the right-most one is the one that takes effect.

format=format_specifier – a printf style format to use when formatting values, default %.2f

units=units_name – no default, used to name the units, for example dB

mapping=[db20|undb20|lin[ear]] – default db20. The value is displayed according to the mapping.

ticks=nTicks – default is 2, range is 2-32, this is the number of tick marks to display

useticks=[0|1] – default is 0, when 1 tickmarks are drawn

tickmarks=”v1, … , vN” – a list of labels to apply to tickmarks up to a maximum of 8 values, no default

stepsize=step – default 0, the amount by which displayed values will be quantized

meteroffset=offs – default 0, an amount to be added to values before use

min=val – default -100, the minimum displayable value on the meter

max=val – default 0, the maximum displayable value on the meter

height=val – default is natural control height, values larger than default stretch the control vertically downwards





module_instance_name – must be an identifier not currently defined,

className – must be the name of a Module Class,

nInputs – the nuber of module inputs required,

nOutputs – the number of modules required,

nScratch – the number of scratch wires required,

[wires] – a list of wire names obtained from create_wire, of which there are exactly nInputs+nOutputs+nScratch names,

args… – a set of arguments to initialize the module – the number of arguments is that required by the module

This creates a module object named module_instance_name with the given properties. Modules are only useful when part of a layout constructed using create_layout.

On success the reply is:

success, heap1,heap2,heap3,module_instance_name=instanceID

create_slider (BSP, GUI only)


create_slider, dialog,left,top,attributes,dot-expression[,read-expression]


dialog – must be a dialog created by create_dialog,

left,top – describes the top-left corner of the LED control

attributes – a string of attribute controlling the appearance of the meter

dot-expression – an expression to assign the position of the slider to when its position changes. Multiple assignments may be specified by separating expressions with semicolon.

read-expression – if present is a location to watch at 5Hz – if it changes, the slider position is changed to match.

Creates a slider or knob control. The value described by dot-expression is assigned the slider value when it changes.

The attributes string must be a space separated string consisting of one or more of the following. If items are repeated, the right-most one is the one that takes effect.

min=val – default 0, the minimum value of the slider

max=val – default 1, the maximum value of the slider

value=val – default 0, the initial position of the slider

format=format_specifier – a printf style format to use when formatting values, default %.2f

units=units_name – no defult, used to name the units, for example dB

mapping=[log|lin[ear]|db20|undb20] – default linear. The value is displayed according to the mapping. Log is not possible unless min > 0.

ticks=nTicks – default is 2, range is 2-32, this is the number of tick marks to display

useticks=[0|1] – default is 0, when 1 tickmarks are drawn

fixedticks=nFixedTicks – default is 2, range is 2-32, this is the number of fixed ticks to display

tickmarks=v1, … , vN – a list of labels to apply to tickmarks up to a maximum of 8 values, no default

stepsize=step – default 0, the amount by which displayed values will be quantized

control=[knob|slider] – default slider. If knob, a rotary knob control is shown instead of a slider.

height=val – default is natural control height, values larger than default stretch the control vertically downwards. If control=knob, this value is ignored.

continuous=[0|1] – default 1, when 1 all changes are assigned as they happen, otherwise changes are sent only when the user releases the mouse

muteonmin=[0|1] – default 0, when 1 the underlying variable is set to 0 when the knob is turned to its minimum value. This is useful for dB controls which should mute when turned all the way down.

create_spline (BSP, GUI only)


create_spline, dialog,left,top,width,height,attributes,instanceName


dialog – must be a dialog created by create_dialog,

left,top,width,height – describes the control position and size

attributes – a string of attribute controlling the appearance of the control

instanceName – a base dot expression within which members of fixed names will be accessed

The attributes string must be a space separated string consisting of one or more of the following. If items are repeated, the right-most one is the one that takes effect.

minx=val – default 0, the minimum X value

maxx=val – default 9, the maximum X value

miny=val – default 0, the minimum Y value

maxy=val – default 3, the maximum Y value

order=val – default 2, for testing only

mapping=[log|lin[ear]] – default linear. The value is displayed according to the mapping. Log is not possible unless miny > 0.

ticks=nTicks – default is 2, range is 2-32, this is the number of tick marks to display

useticks=[0|1] – default is 1, when 1 tickmarks are drawn

fixedticks=nFixedTicks – default is 2, range is 2-32, this is the number of fixed ticks to display

tickmarks=v1, … , vN – a list of labels to apply to tickmarks up to a maximum of 8 values, no default

stepsize=step – default 0, the amount by which displayed values will be quantized

control=[knob|slider] – default slider. If knob, a rotary knob control is shown instead of a slider.

maxpoints=val – default 10, for testing only

points=val – default 10, for testing only

Creates a spline control. This control displays points XY points on a graph. If order==2, the points are joined by straight lines. If order==4, the points are connected by a natural spline. The curve is drawn in green. The points are drawn as small blue boxes. You can drag the boxes around, causing the curve to be redrawn, and the DSP to be updated. On first creation, the control is populated from the DSP.

If the instanceName is empty, the control is stand-alone with 10 points y=sqrt(x), x=0..9 and not connected to the DSP. In this mode, the operation of the spline control may be tested.

create_text (BSP, GUI only)


create_text, dialog,left,top,widh,height,legend


dialog – must be a dialog created by create_dialog,

left,top,width,height – describes size of the control

legend – the text to appear

Creates a static text control of the specified size, and sets its text to legend. Any occurrence of ‘\n’ in the legend will cause the legend to wrap.





wireName – must be an identifier not currently defined,

sampleRate – the effective sample rate of the wire

nChannels – the number of wire channels

blockSize – the number of samples in the wire

complex – non-zero if the wire samples are complex

maxBlockSize – must be the same as blockSize

This creates a wire object named wireName with the properties specified.

On success, the reply is:

success, heap1,heap2,heap3,wire_instance_name=instanceID




During operation, a number of audio modules may set up actions to be performed later. These are referred to as delayed actions. This command causes one pass through the object list executing these actions. It is only needed for test since normal audio pumping calls this on every pump cycle.

delete_file (BSP)



This command deletes the specified file from the file system if it exists, in which case it reports success. There are many possible failures, including file not found, and file system not implemented.

Note that deleting a FLASH file only marks its directory entry deleted, it does not release the storage used by the file or its directory entry. Repeated creating and deleting FLASH files will consume all storage eventually. You can return the file system to its initial state with erase_all.

destroy (BSP)



This command unconditionally destroys all objects. On success, the reply is:


destroy_dialog (BSP, GUI only)




dialog must be a dialog created by create_dialog,

This command destroys the named dialog.

dialog_state (BSP, GUI only)




dialog must be a dialog created by create_dialog,

state must be 0 or 1

This command sets the given dialog to its initial size if zero, otherwise to its alternate size. If the alternate size dimensions given to create_dialog were zero or the same as the initial size, the command has no effect.

On success, the reply is:


erase_all (BSP)



This command erases all files on the target file system, restoring it to the initial empty state. It fails if the target does not have a file system.

Erasing a large FLASH chip can take some time.

end_binary (BSP)



Terminates logging of binary commands and writes the file. This command works in conjunction with make_binary.

exists_dialog (BSP, GUI only)



Checks if a dialog with the specified name already exists. The function returns either:

success,0 (Dialog does not exist)

success,1 (Dialog does exist)

failed, argument count (Incorrect number of arguments to the function)

exit (BSP)



This command destroys the server.

fast_audio_pump (BSP)


fast_audio_pump,input_file [ ,record_file ]

Plays the input file through the layout as fast as possible, optionally recording the layout output in a WAV file. The output file will be at whatever rate the layout specifies, and has as many channels as the output wire.

The command does not complete until all input samples have been processed. With long files, this may take a while.

fast_read (Matlab)



Reads the specified number of float elements in an array of data and returns the result as binary data rather than as text. This command is only supported through the MATLAB AWEClient.dll and is not for general use. The format of the binary reply packet is described in Internal Binary Packets.

fast_read_int (Matlab)



Reads the specified number of integer elements in an array of data and returns the result as binary data rather than as text. This command is only supported through the MATLAB AWEClient.dll and is not for general use. The format of the binary reply packet is described in Internal Binary Packets.

fast_write (Matlab)



Writes the float array passed by Matlab to the target layout starting at the address given. This command is only supported through the MATLAB AWEClient.dll and is not for general use. It causes the AWE server to receive a binary packet containing the Matlab array values as documented in Internal Binary Packets.

fast_write_int (Matlab)



Writes the integer array passed by Matlab to the target layout starting at the address given. This command is only supported through the MATLAB AWEClient.dll and is not for general use. It causes the AWE server to receive a binary packet containing the Matlab array values as documented in Internal Binary Packets.

fast_write_partial (Matlab)



Writes the float array passed by Matlab to the target layout starting at the address given. This command is only supported through the MATLAB AWEClient.dll and is not for general use. It causes the AWE server to receive a binary packet containing the Matlab array values as documented in Internal Binary Packets.

The final set call performed by fast_write is suppressed.

fast_write_int_partial (Matlab)



Writes the integer array passed by Matlab to the target layout starting at the address given. This command is only supported through the MATLAB AWEClient.dll and is not for general use. It causes the AWE server to receive a binary packet containing the Matlab array values as documented in Internal Binary Packets.

The final set call performed by fast_write_int is suppressed.

file_exists (BSP)



Tests to see if the specified file or directory can be found.

This command either succeeds or fails. The possible failures are:

failed,argument count // command takes only one argument

failed,no target // command requires a connected target

If it succeeds the possible replies:

success,0, // name not found in path

success,1,full_path // found this file in the path

success,2,full_path // found this directory in the path

If found, the full_path will be in the convention of the OS on which the server is running. The only supported OSs are Windows and Linux.

If a server is connected to a target such as a SHARC, the search takes place in the server file system.

The path to search is specified in the server INI file. The implied '.' (server working directory - always the directory containing the server executable binary) is always searched first. If files are placed there, the search path need not be specified.

The search order is that specified by the search path always looking in '.' first. If there are multiple hits, the first match is reported.

file_logging (BSP)


file_logging,full, filename

file_logging,half, filename

file_logging,end, filename

The first form starts logging all commands and replies by appending them to the given filename. The second form starts logging all replies to the given filename. The last form turns of logging to file. The path to filename is specified in the server INI file.

The form of received message log items is:

YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS.mmm: << message

The form of sent message log items is:

YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS.mmm: >> message

In each case, mmm is the milliseconds past the second.

On success, the reply is:





Binds a file to an input pin to act as a fake audio device. Only possible with non-DMA pins not otherwise in use.

On success, the reply is:


Following are the possible failure replies:

  • failed, argument count // needs 2 arguments

  • failed, no target // must be connected

  • failed, duplicate pin name // can't bind the same pin more than once

  • failed, name undefined // pin name not defined

  • failed, not a pin // pin named is not a pin

  • failed, can't be Input // can't bind to pin Input

  • failed, not an input pin // pin must be an input

  • failed,' not in core %d // pin name not in the core

  • failed,' not a public pin // only public pins can be bound

foreground (BSP, GUI only)



Brings Audio Weaver Server window to the foreground (topmost in Z-order). Makes the window visible if it was behind other windows.

On success, the reply is:


framework (BSP)



Changes the proxy the server uses to that specified by the index. If no target can be found on that proxy, switches back to prior proxy. The target previously connected remains in the state it was in when the connection changes. Various INI file settings for proxies are used - there are no arguments to specify for example the IP address of an Ethernet target.

The available proxies are:

0 - Native

1 - RS232

2 - USB

3 - Ethernet

4 - SPI

8 - FTDI

9 - TotalPhaseSPI

Only those proxies enabled in the INI file can be specified. Linux supports only the Ethernet proxy. The default proxy is Native and is always available.


failed,framework %d is current framework

failed,no such framework as %d

failed,can't create framework %d: old connection %d restored





Reads the AWE server INI file.



A return value of '0,no such key' indicates the INI file does not contain the specified key.




Performs a get call on the specified module with the given mask. See module documentation for specifics. If the module has no get function, does nothing.



get_filesystem_info (BSP)



This command queries the target file system properties. On success it returns:



type is 1 for Native, or 2 for FLASH.

size is the target device size in words – note that the implementation may only use a portion of the total FLASH storage for the file system.

available is the number of available storage words.

overhead is number of words used for internal data structures

deleted is the number of words used by deleted files

inuse is the number of words used for all purposes

sizes is (block size in words << 16) | max filename length

Note that the file system does not release storage from deleted files – that storage is lost. Repeatedly creating and deleting files will consume all storage. The file system can be restored to its initial empty state with erase_all.

get_first_core (BSP)



Returns the target info for the first core in the system which should have ID zero. See get_target_info.

get_next_core (BSP)



Returns the target info for the core following prevCoreID in the system. If there is no successor core, it fails. See get_target_info.

get_cores (BSP)



Returns the number of cores (or instances) defined by the target.


get_core_list (BSP)



Returns the number of cores (or instances) defined by the target, and all their IDs. See also get_instance_table below which is an alias.

success,number of cores, <list of core IDs>

get_instance_table (BSP)



Returns the number of cores (or instances) defined by the target, and all their IDs. This is an alias for get_core_list above.

success,number of cores, <list of core IDs>

get_first_file (BSP)



This command gets information about the first file in the target file system. On success the reply is either:


if there are any files, or


if the file system is empty.

Several failures are possible, including failures due to the target not having a file system.

get_next_file (BSP)



This command may only be used after first having used get_first_file. It returns information about successive files. On success the reply is either:


if there are any files, or


if there are no more files. Call this as many times as needed to enumerate all files on the target.

Several failures are possible, including failures due to the target not having a file system.

read_file (BSP)



This command reads the specified file from the target file system, and writes the file as AWE_directory/filename to your hard drive, in which case it reports success. There are many possible failures including file not found and the target not having a file system.

reopen_input (BSP)



Reopens a device previously closed by close_input. The same parameters are used as when the device was originally opened when audio started. It is an error to reopen an already open device or use an index that does not exist.

This command is intended for rare cases where a device has to be reconfigured but can't be while AWE has an open handle on it.

reopen_output (BSP)



Reopens a device previously closed by close_output. The same parameters are used as when the device was originally opened when audio started. It is an error to reopen an already open device or use an index that does not exist.

This command is intended for rare cases where a device has to be reconfigured but can't be while AWE has an open handle on it.

write_file (BSP)



This command writes the specified local hard disk file to the target file system with the file attribute specified. If a file of that name exists on the target, it is first deleted (see delete_file). There are many possible failures including file not found on your hard disk, not enough space on the target, and the target not having a file system.

The attribute value may be any 7-bit value constructed by OR-ing the following together expressed as decimal:

Common useful values are 0x18 (= decimal 24) for a compiled AWB file, and 0x1a (= decimal 26) for a bootable compiled AWB file. Other possible attribute combinations are generally not useful.

Targets that have a file system will locate the first file with the 0x1a attribute and execute as an AWB compiled script during boot. There should be only one file with this attribute in the file system – it is indeterminate which will be executed if there is more than one.

A useful set of commands to compile a script file, and load it into a file system is:


compile,1,source_file.aws, destination_file.awb

write_file, destination_file.awb,26

When you next reset the target, the layout should be running. Note that the AWS and AWB extensions are convention only, you can use anything you like.




This command returns user version followed by 12 undefined words

success,user_version,<12 undefined words>




This command returns the first I/O object, as in this example:


The format is



boundID – zero if the pin is not bound, otherwise the ID of the bound wire.

info1 – a packed bitfield of 10-bit channels | 17 bits blockSize | 4-bit sample size bytes | 1 bit complex

info2 – a packed bitfield of 17 bits blockSize | 6 bits data type

info3 – a packed bitfield of 10 bits rows | 10 bits cols | 1-bit isIPC | 1-bit isPrivate | 1 bit clock master | 1 bit special

For more information on these fields see Framework.h.

See get_next_io.





This command returns the first created object. The first form of the reply is:


The second form reply is:


where each member is formatted as:


The layout of all classes is given in the schema file, where each member is named, and its type given: className will be found in the schema file. The value is displayed appropriately for the type: float values are displayed using %g, all other values are displayed as decimal unsigned integers.

If the member is an array of fixed bounds in the schema, then each element of the array is displayed in the form:


where the subscript ranges from 0 to N-1.

Where members are inherited from a base class, each inherited member is listed.




This command returns:

success, number_of_heaps

Currently this value is always 3.




On success the reply is:

success, free1,free2,free3,size1,size2,size3


freeN – the number words available in heap N.

sizeN – the total size of heap N

All sizes are in 32-bit words.

get_executable_dir (BSP)



Returns the directory containing the current AWE_Server.exe executable.


success,c:\Program Files\DSP Concepts\Audio Weaver Designer\Bin





module_instance_name is the name of a module created by create_module, or a dot-expression describing a member of some object that is a module

On success, the reply is:

success, module_instance_name=instanceID,state


module_instance_name is the argument of the command,

instanceID is the ID of the module,

state is a decimal value, and one of

0: active

1: bypass

2: mute

3: inactive

When first created, modules are active. See set_module_state.




This command returns:



module_class_count is the number of module classes in the framework.





module_class_index must be in the range 0 to one less than the value returned by get_moduleclass_count.

On success, the return value is:



className – the name of the class as it appears in the schema file,

classID – the numeric value of the class id,

nParams – the number of public and private parameters an instance of the module may take. The values are packed as separate 16-bit numbers into a 32-bit value. The high 16 bits represent the number of private words; the lower 16 bits represent the number of public words.

DLLname is the library the module is found in.




Returns the next I/O object in the form described in get_first_io, or:

failed, no more I/O pins

if there are no more I/O objects to enumerate.





Returns the next object in the forms described in get_first_object, or:

failed, no more objects

if there are no more objects to enumerate.

if there are no more objects to enumerate.





instanceName is some identifier

The command looks up instanceName in the object symbol table. If found, the reply value is as described in get_first_object, otherwise it is:

failed, 'instanceName' is undefined




This command opens an audio file and returns its rate, channels, and duration. On Windows it can open any file type for which a codec is installed in the OS (as a minimum always supports MP3). On Linux it supports only WAV files. The file is closed after reading its properties.

The file is searched for in the audio path unless an absolute path is specified.

On success the reply is:


The command fails if the file can’t be found or if the format is not a supported audio file. The reported duration is in seconds as floating point.

get_schema (BSP)




className is some identifier

The command looks up className in the schema symbol table. If found, the reply value is:



className is the argument to the command,

id is the numeric id of the class,

each member is formatted as:


otherwise, the reply is:

failed, class 'className' is undefined

Note that unlike get_first_object/get_next_object, the inherited members from base classes are not displayed.







sampleRate - target sample rate in Hz

profileFreq - target profiling clock frequency in Hz

packetBufferLen - the size in words of the target's packet buffer

nCores - the number of cores the target currently has. For SMP targets the default 2. nCores can be changed using the set_cores command.

isSMP – flag indicating if core supports SMP

nInputPins – number of input pins

nOutputPins – number of output pins

baseBlockSize - the base block size for audio. Layouts must use an integer multiple of this nThreads - the number of concurrent threads per core. Typically, 2 for embedded targets and 4 for SMP targets.

nInputs - the number of input channels

nOutputs - the number of output channels

packedInfo – 7 bits CPU type | 8 bits output channels | 8 bits input channels | 1-bit floating point | 1 bit file system | 4 bits sizeof(int)

version - 32-bit version number usually expressed as w.x.y.z where each field is a byte of the word most significant first

targetName - an up to 8-character name for the target

CpuFreq - the frequency of the target clock in Hz

instanceID - the ID of this core in the range ((0…15) * 16) i.e. (0, 16, 32, …, 240)

isSMP - 1 if the core is SMP (Windows or Linux)

featureBits - usually 0, reserved for DSP Concepts internal use

get_type (BSP)



Evaluates the type of expression and returns the type as an integer if the expression is legal. The possible reported values are:

0 - integer

1 - unsigned integer

2 - float

3 - fract

4 - object

5 - pointer to integer

6 - pointer to unsigned integer

7 - pointer to float

8 - pointer to fract

9 - pointer to object




where expression is formed as follows:

instanceName [. memberName]

InstanceName must be the name of some object. The first memberName must name a member of the class of which instanceName is an instance. Subsequent terms depend on the type of the member as follows:

Member Type

Followed by


nothing, reply is success,address,int,intvalue


nothing, reply is success,address,float,floatvalue


[0 : N-1], reply is success,address,int,intvalue


[0 : N-1], reply is success,address,float,floatvalue


.member belonging to className (follows pointer)


[subscript].member belonging to className (follows subscripted pointer)


.member belonging to className (accesses member)

Note that the final three type name members: if the types of those members are not one of the first 4 scalar forms, then more members must be named to complete the expression. This continues iteratively until the expression reaches one of the first 4 scalar forms.

If the expression is not legal according to these rules, one of the following may be returned:

failed, 'string' is not an identifier

failed, 'name' requires dot expression

failed, no such member of 'class' as 'string'

get_version (BSP)



Returns version information about the currently connected server. The reply is of the form:

success,,Jul 12 2017 14:10:34

where the first value is empty, and the rest of the string is the build date and time.

gui_logging (BSP)






The second and fourth forms cause sent and received messages to be displayed in the server control panel, the remaining forms turn this display off.

The reply is:


where the value is 1 if display is enabled, otherwise 0.

kill_pump (BSP)



This command is only supported on Windows and Linux server in Native. It causes the audio pump thread to terminate. The error message “Server response: "failed,not playing" will appear if audio pump thread doesn’t exist. Otherwise it will report success. It is intended only for test.

make_binary (BSP)



Begins logging of binary commands sent from the Server to the target. The commands are buffered in internal memory on the PC. When complete, call end_binary to write the commands to the specified file filename.

make_binary is used to create compiled scripts on the target. Only a subset of commands are stored – only those needed to actually instantiate the system and begin processing. The commands logged are:












open_web_page (BSP, GUI only)



Displays a web page in a browser. URL is a string specifying the address of the page to display. If URL starts with "http://", "file://", or "www.", the URL is used as-is. Otherwise, the program determines if a script is currently running, and URL is a relative path, in which case the file to open is taken relative to the script path, otherwise if no script is running and the URL is a relative path, the file is taken relative to the executable (AWE_Server.exe) path. Only file names ending in ".htm" or ".html" are considered candidates for relative pathing, otherwise the URL is used as-is.

pin_to_file (NOT IMPLEMENTED)



Binds a file to an output pin to act as a fake audio device. Only possible with non-DMA pins not otherwise in use. Arranges that samples written to pin_name will be written to the file. The file will have the rate and number of channels of the pin - which really means of the wire connected to the pin. The file will be created each time audio starts.

The command will fail if the pin is not an output pin, if the special pin Output is used, or if a file is already bound to the pin.

  • failed, argument count // needs 2 arguments

  • failed, no target // must be connected

  • failed, duplicate pin name // can't bind the same pin more than once

  • failed, name undefined // pin name not defined

  • failed, not a pin // pin named is not a pin

  • failed, can't be Output // can't bind to pin Output

  • failed, not an output pin // pin must be an output

  • failed, not in core %d // pin name not in the core

  • failed, not a public pin // only public pins can be bound




This command causes all current layouts to be pumped. Layouts that have dividers of 1 are pumped on every call, layouts with larger values are pumped on every Nth call.

If there are no layouts to pump, the error message is:

Server response: "failed,no layout(s) to pump"

If server is not connected to the target, the error message is:

Server response: "failed,not connected to the target"

otherwise the replay is:

success, cycles, cycles interval

This call is intended to be used with the command write_pump_read for testing. See also fast_write and fast_read.



pump_layout,layout_instance_name [,pump cycles]

where layout_instance_name must be an object created by create_layout.

This command pumps a single layout as though by pump above. It is intended to be used with writing an input wire and reading an output wire for testing. See also fast_write and fast_read.

On success the reply is

success, instance_name=instanceID [, pump cycles]

Possible replies from server in case of failure:

  • failed,argument count // must be one [or two] arguments only

  • failed,no target // must be connected to target

  • failed,instance name not identifier // must be identifier

  • failed,name undefined // layout name must be defined




where module_instance_name must be an object created by create_module.

This command pumps a single module as though by pump_layout above. It is intended to be used with writing an input wire and reading an output wire for testing. See also fast_write and fast_read.

On success the reply is


Possible replies from server in case of failure:

  • failed,argument count; // must be only one argument

  • failed,no target; // must be connected to target

  • failed,instance name not identifier; // must be identifier

  • failed,name undefined; // module name must be defined




where pin_name is any of the pins on the target.

On success, the reply is as described in get_first_io.

query_pump (BSP)



This command reports the audio pump status as an integer. The possible values are:

0 - target has no layout, not pumping

1 - target has a layout, not pumping

2 - target has no layout, pumping

3 - target has a layout, pumping

This command is intended for use by an external monitoring process which watches for the pump dying by transitioning from 3 to 1, which usually indicates an I/O error on audio hardware which can only happen on Linux systems.




where wireName must be an object created by create_wire.

On success the reply is


Possible replies from server in case of failure:

  • failed,argument count // must have 1 argument

  • failed,no target // must be connected to a target

  • failed,instance name not identifier // name must be identifier

  • failed,instance name undefined // name must be defined

  • failed,instance name is not a wire // must name a wire





expression is an expression that evaluates to an array element, so must be subscripted

count is the number of values to read starting at that element

The reply is

success,val[0], ..., val[count-1]

where each value is formatted using %g.

There is no bounds checking - elements past the end of the array will report junk.





expression is an expression that evaluates to an array element, so must be subscripted

count is the number of values to read

The reply is

success,val[0], ..., val[count-1]

where each value is reported as float interpreting each value as fract32, and so constrained to report a value in the range -1 to 1.

There is no bounds checking - elements past the end of the array will report junk.





expression is an expression that evaluates to an array element, so must be subscripted

count is the number of values to read

The reply is

success,val[0], ..., val[count-1]

where each value is formatted using %d.

There is no bounds checking - elements past the end of the array will report junk.

reboot_target (BSP)



Causes an embedded target to reboot as though by reset or power cycle. Not implemented for Windows or Linux server.

rename_pin (BSP) (NOT IMPLEMENTED)



This command renames a pin that only has a default name. You can't rename Input or Output (the default I/O pins), or any pin that was given a specific name by a BSP.



Following are the possible failures:

  • failed, argument count // needs 2 arguments

  • failed, no target // must be connected

  • failed, too long // new names must be <= 8 characters long

  • failed, name already used // new name is already defined

  • failed, name undefined // old name must be defined

  • failed, not a pin // old name is not a pin

  • failed, not a public pin // old name is not public

  • failed, pin is not IPC // can't rename DMA pins

After renaming, you must refer to the pin by its new name.

script (BSP)



This command executes the commands stored in fileName. Generally, these files have an AWS extension, and are generated by Designer.

setini (BSP)



Assigns to or creates in the INI file an item of the form:




This command calls the set function of a module. If the module has no set function, nothing happens, See module documentation for specific details. On success the reply is:


select_core (BSP, Windows)



For Windows only, cause the server GUI to display the data for the specified core. The allowed range of N is 1 through cores where cores is as reported by get_cores.

set_core_description (BSP, Windows, Linux)



File may be one of:

  • SMP

  • smp

  • none

in which case it forces the PC to be SMP Native. Otherwise, it is a text file containing the description of the target to emulate. If so, the current system is completely destroyed, an emulation is created specified by the file, and the server UI is updated to show the emulation details. The emulation will not support set_cores,

If the description file has errors, the offending error is reported by failed,parse error, and the detailed error will be in awelog.txt. It is outside the scope of this document to describe the description file format and the possible parse errors which are legion. On error, the existing system is unchanged.

Any attempt to set the description file currently in use reports success,no change. If the command succeeded in loading a new file (or reverting to SMP) the reply is success.

set_cores (BSP, Windows, Linux)



For SMP targets only, destroys all existing core objects, and creates N new ones. The allowed range is 1-16. The number of cores on server start is 2. The current number of cores can be found using get_cores. Embedded targets with multiple cores have a fixed number of physical cares and do not implement this command.

Warming: it is possible to create more core instances than the target has. Be aware that cores are simulated in the BSP by threads, and spawning more threads than physical core count - 1 can exceed the CPU bandwidth of the machine. Also be aware that Intel HyperThreading reports twice as many cores as physical cores, but the actual CPU bandwidth is not that high - you can end up with less computation than this number would lead you to expect.




As objects are created, they are assigned IDs starting at 1. If a layout needs to assign a new ID, it must be >= 30000, and not in use by another object. The object_name must be that of an existing object.





module_instance_name is the name of a module created with create_module, or is a dot-expression naming a member of an object that is a module

state is a decimal value, and one of

0: active

1: bypass

2: mute

3: inactive

This command sets the state of the module. On success the reply is:

success, module_instance_name=instanceID

See also get_module_state.

set_path (BSP)


set_path,path_item1 [, path_item2 ... ,path_itemN ]

This command takes any number of arguments, each of which is a file system path. It is used to set the search path for audio files specified to audio_pump. The paths are persisted in the server INI file as:

When audio_pump is searching for a file, it works through this list in order, and uses the first match found.




This command assigns the address of the pointer_expression to the location destination_expression which must be a pointer value. On success the reply is:


set_timeout (Matlab)




N is the time out in milliseconds

Sets the communication time out between Matlab and the server. By default, the value is 4000, or 4 seconds. (This command is useful to prevent issues when you issue a command, such as erase_all, which may take a long time to execute.)

On success the reply is:




set_value,expression,value [, expression,value]*


expression is as described in get_value,

value is a number to be assigned to the location described by expression

There may be any number of [expression,value] pairs given to the command. On completion of the last assignment, the set function of each unique module instance (if any) referenced by any of the expressions are called.

On success the reply is:

success,instanceID,type,value [,instanceID,type,value]*

show (BSP, GUI only)



If the server has any dialogs created by create_dialog, then show,0 causes the server dialog to be hidden. The dialog is un-hidden by destroy, using destroy_dialog to destroy the last child dialog, or by show,1. The show,0 command does nothing if there are no child dialogs.

target_execute (BSP)



Causes an embedded target to load the specified file from the local file system which must be in AWB format. An AWB file contains a sequence of binary commands which are usually those for constructing a layout. The command is not implemented on Windows or Linux server - see binary and script commands for server specific file loading from native file systems.

The command will only work on those targets that have a local file system (such as flash) implemented by AWE into which AWB files have been stored. Targets with no local file system do not implement the command. Do not confuse local file systems implemented by AWE with native file systems such as Windows or Linux implemented by an operating system.

Loading may fail for a large number of reasons even if the file exists. Causes may range from the AWB file referring to cores the target does not have, to the file referring to audio modules not present in the target code, to lack of storage for the layout.

trace (BSP, Linux)



Causes a Linux target to write to stdout the message. The message must be double quoted if it contains space or comma. The reply is always:


on all targets.





expression is an expression that evaluates to an array element, and so must be subscripted

This command writes the values to each successive element location starting at expression. The reply is


Misuse of the command can corrupt storage, because there is no bounds checking for arrays.




As write_float_aray except the final set call is suppressed.





expression is an expression that evaluates to an array element, and so must be subscripted

This command writes the values to each successive element location starting at expression. The reply is


Misuse of the command can corrupt storage, because there is no bounds checking for arrays.




As write_fract_aray except the final set call is suppressed.





expression is an expression that evaluates to an array element, and must be subscripted

This command writes the values to each successive int location starting at expression. The reply is


Misuse of the command can corrupt storage, because there is no bounds checking for arrays.




As write_int_aray except the final set call is suppressed.



write_pump_read,layout,inputWire,outputWire,val1, ... ,valN

This command writes the vali to inputWire, then pumps the layout, then reads outputWire and replies:

success,cycles,val1, ... ,valN

Layout may be either the index of a layout (zero based), or a layout name.

Cycles is the number of profile cycles the pump call took.

The input and output samples are raw values on the wire. The number provided should be the same as channels*blockSize. For example, if the wire is stereo 32 long, then 64 values must be provided in interleaved form. The assumption is input and output wire are the same, and so the number of output samples is the same as the number of input samples.

Error Messages

Commands can produce error messages from the following table:



failed, heap type index range

A heap index was not in the range of heaps

failed, awe_fwMalloc no more storage

The given heap does not have enough storage to satisfy the requested size

failed, awe_fwMallocScratch no more storage

The scratch heap does not have enough storage to satisfy the requested size

failed, constructor argument count

A create_xx call has an incorrect number of arguments

failed, class index out of range

The given class index is not in the range of classes

failed, class not found

The named class was not found in the symbol table

failed, module already owned

An attempt was made to give a module to a layout when it is already in another layout

failed, address outside heap

An attempt was made to assign to a location not in any heap

failed, not a wire

A wire argument to create_module is not actually a wire

failed, number of inputs and outputs must match

Some modules require that the number of inputs and outputs are the same

failed, input pin types must be the same

Some modules require that the types of input and output pins be the same

failed, module needs at least one input

Many modules require at least one input

failed, module needs at least one output

Many modules require at least one output

failed, inputs must match corresponding outputs

Some module require that each ith input have the same type as each ith output

failed, not a module

An attempt was made to give an object not a module instance to add_module

failed, I/O count error

The input/output count is not acceptable

failed, parameter error

A parameter given to create_module is wrong for the specified module class

failed, no more objects

There are no more objects for get_next_object to display

failed, not object pointer

An expression expected to be of pointer type is not

failed, not input pin

The pin must be an input pin.

failed, I/O pin in use

An attempt was made to bind an I/O pin that was already bound with bind_wire

failed, pin types not compatible

An attempt was made using bind_wire to bind a wire incompatible with the I/O pin

failed, pin sizes not compatible

An attempt was made using bind_wire to bind a wire not an integer multiple of the I/O pin size

failed, not output pin

The pin must be an output pin.

failed, no more I/O pins

There are no more pin objects for get_next_io to display

failed, no layouts to pump

'pump' was called when no layouts exist

failed, module must have only one output

Many modules require only one output

failed, output wire must have only one sample

Some modules require that an output have only a single sample

failed, incompatible block sizes

All contained modules must have the same block size

failed, wire index out of range

A container wire vector indexed a wire out of range

failed, unknown error %d

An unknown error occurred

failed, argument count

A command had an invalid number of arguments

failed, not implemented on target

The target does not implement the command

failed, instance name '%s' not identifier

The argument must be an identifier

failed, instance name '%s' is already used

The instance name has already been defined

failed, class name '%s' is not defined

An attempt was made to use an undefined class name

failed, class name '%s' has different classID than created instance

An object was created, but then found to have a different class than it should have

failed, instance name '%s' is not a pin type

The argument must be a pin type

failed, name '%s' undefined

A name was seen that has not been defined

failed, expression error

The expression given to get_value or set_value had an error

failed, wire name '%s' undefined

A supposed wire name given to create_module is not defined

failed, wire name '%s' is not a Wire

A supposed wire name given to create_module is not of type Wire

failed, module name '%s' undefined

A supposed module name given to add_module is undefined

failed, '%s' is not a module

A supposed module name given to add_module is not a module

failed, unknown argument

A command that takes a symbolic argument had an unknown string argument

failed, open sound card for input returned an error

'audio_pump' could not open the sound card for input

failed, player create returned 0x%08x

'audio_pump' could not open the sound card for output

failed, renderer create returned 0x%08x

'audio_pump' could not create output  object

failed, empty filename

A required filename was empty

failed, unknown command '%s'

The command keyword is unknown

failed, empty command

The command was empty

failed, can't find instance class

An attempt to lookup the class of an instance failed

failed, can't find instance

An attempt to lookup an instance failed

failed, '%s' requires subscript

An expression requires a subscript

failed, '%s' syntax error: missing ']'

Malformed subscript

failed, '%s' subscript %d out of range

A subscript is outside the array bounds (static arrays only, very rare)

failed, '%s' requires dot expression

An expression stopped early

failed, no such member of '%s' as '%s'

The member name given is not a member

failed, %s(%d): empty class name

Empty class name in schema file

failed, %s(%d): syntax error in alias of class '%s'

Error while aliasing one class to another in schema file

failed, %s(%d): unknown base class'%s' in alias of class '%s'

Reference to unknown base class while aliasing one class to another in schema file

failed, %s(%d): comma expected in class '%s'

Missing comma in schema file

failed, %s(%d): syntax error in derivation of class '%s'

Syntax error parsing derived class in schema file

failed, %s(%d): unknown base class '%s' in alias of class '%s'

Attempt to derive a class from an unknown base in schema file

failed, %s(%d): unexpected '{' in body of class %s

There can only be one level of bracing in schema files

failed, %s(%d): empty member name in class %s

Member name is empty in schema file

failed, %s(%d): non-numeric dimension in class %s

Array dimension has non-numeric subscript in schema file

failed, %s(%d): expected ']' to close dimension in class %s

Missing close bracket in array dimension in schema file

failed, %s(%d): empty type name in class %s

A type name is empty in schema file

failed, %s(%d): unknown type name '%s' in class %s

A type name is undefined in schema file.

failed, %s(%d): unexpected end of file in class %s

Unexpected end of file in schema file

failed, no such core

A core ID was specified that the target does not have.

failed, too many bound wires

An attempt was made to bind more than 17 times to an input pin

Schema Files

Schema files provide a means for describing the layout of DSP storage that is compact and has a simple grammar, and does not need the complexity of the C/C++ type system.

The server has a file Schemas.sch that defines all the classes in the DSP. Each schema corresponds to a structure in the code. Class names and member names must be identifiers in the C/C++ sense. Schema files support C++ comments only.

The form of a schema is:

is the simplest form, and directly maps to a C struct.

The supported types are as follows:




32 bit integer


32 bit IEEE float


array of integer with N elements


array of floats with N elements


pointer to array of integer with unknown number of elements


pointer to array of float with an unknown number of elements


pointer to a class instance


pointer to an array of pointers to class instance with unknown number of elements


a nested structure

To support mapping to DSP code, class names may have an associated class ID like this:

If value is not present, the value zero (unknown ID) is used. The value may be in hex or decimal.

Classes may derive from other classes like this:

The meaning is the same as the public derivation in C++. In the example above, B inherits all the members of A.

The use of a class ID may be combined with inheritance like this:

As expected, the new class gets the given class ID, and also inherits all the members of the base class. There is no limit to inheritance depth.

All type names must be declared before use. This means that a circular definition such as:

can't be written, since an attempt is made to refer to B before it is declared.

Internal Binary Packets

There are occasions when text commands are too burdensome on bandwidth. These cases permit pumping raw audio samples into a layout for regression test, or for cases where the data is not coming from or going to a real audio device.

If a command starts with the 4-byte sequence \x03 \x00 \xff \x07 (0x07ff0003) a sequence that is not possible for text, it announces that what follows is a binary array of 32 bit values preceded by a header, of which this sequence is the first word.

The packet header looks like this:

struct SBinaryPacket

m_magic – contains 0x07ff0003

m_len – total packet size in bytes

m_nFloats – payload size in words – note that payload data is not constrained to floats

m_opcode – command opcode, always 30 to server, always 29 from server

It is always required that string data is also sent with a command to the server to specify a destination address as an expression. This data follows the last payload word. Let us assume a payload of 32 words, and string value containing 10 characters including the terminating NULL. Then the length values will be:

m_nFloats = 32

m_len = sizeof(SbinaryPacket) + 32 * sizeof(float) + 10

The server handles incoming binary packets specially by:

  • verifying the opcode is 30

  • decoding the string expression to a target address

  • copying the payload data to that address

Any binary message with an opcode other than 30 causes a server assertion failure, since binary messages are intended for internal AWE use only, and would be a serious error with other opcodes. The reply to this message will be success or failed,<reason>, as with other messages. This command is sent to the AWE server by the Maltalb DLL when it processes fast_write.

The text command documented earlier fast_read generates a binary reply with payload of the number of words requested, and with no string part or a string message failed,<reason>. For that message, we have:

m_nFloats = <number_of_payload_words>

m_len = sizeof((SbinaryPacket) +m_nFloats * sizeof(float)

m_opcode = 29

Currently, the only code that expects this reply is the MATLAB plugin DLL.

Supported Messages and External Binary Packets

The default target packet buffer is 4105 words - enough for the largest command header plus 4096 argument values. Targets are free to define the packet buffer as small as 16 words with a greatly increased transport overhead. A compromise used on many targets is 264 words - enough for the largest command header plus 256 argument values.

Binary packets have the form:

word 0: 16 bit length | 8 bit core ID | 8 bit opcode

word 1 - N-2 command payload

word N-1: XOR sum of all preceding words

Reply packets have the form:

word 0: 16 bit length in words | 16 bit zero

word 1 - N-2 reply payload

word N-1: XOR sum of all preceding words

Commands may have no payload. Replies always have at least one payload word, and for almost all of them word 1 is the return value - frequently the error code. Many replies only have this one payload word.

For more about binary packets, including a detailed list of available commands, see AWE Core Tuning Command Syntax and Protocol.


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