(8.D.2.4) LogicCompareNInt32
General logical comparison module (multichan)
This module computes logical comparison operations using two input values. If the result of the evaluation is true, a one (1) will be written at the corresponding output wire, otherwise a zero (0).
The module is controlled via the compareConfig array. The array size is "numComps" x 3 and there is a single row devoted to each operation.
Column 1 contains the channel index of the first input argument (zero-based). Column 2 contains the channel index of the second input argument (zero-based). Column 3 specifies which compare operation should be performed (compare type) as an integer in the range from 0 to 7.
The following list discusses the various compare operations types,.
compareType = 0, performs logic equal operation (==).
compareType = 1, performs logic not equal operation (!=).
compareType = 2, performs logic lessthan operation (<).
compareType = 3, performs logic lessthan equal operation (<=).
compareType = 4, performs logic greaterthan operation (>).
compareType = 5, performs logic greaterthan equal operation (>=).
compareType = 6, constant output = 1.
compareType = 7, constant output = 0.
This module supports only control data of block size = 1.
Type Definition
typedef struct _ModuleLogicCompareNInt32
ModuleInstanceDescriptor instance; // Common Audio Weaver module instance structure
INT32 numComps; // Number of operations to be computed
INT32* compareConfig; // Column 1 and 2: Channel index, Column 3: EQUAL=0, NOTEQUAL=1, LESSTHAN=2, LESSOREQUAL=3, GREATERTHAN=4, GREATEROREQUAL=5, CONST 1=6, CONST 0=7. Selects the type of comparison that is implemented by the module (one per row).
} ModuleLogicCompareNInt32Class;
Name | Type | Usage | isHidden | Default value | Range | Units |
numComps | int | const | 0 | 1 | Unrestricted |
compareConfig | int* | parameter | 0 | [1 x 3] | Unrestricted |
Input Pins
Name: in
Description: Control input
Data type: int
Channel range: Unrestricted
Block size range: 1
Sample rate range: Unrestricted
Complex support: Real
Output Pins
Name: out
Description: Control output
Data type: int
File Name: logic_comparen_int_module.m
Creates a module that implements a number of standard logical comparison
operations on a block-by-block basis. The second argument specifies how
many operations are performed. The module has one input pin with an arbitrary
number of interleaved channels and one output pin with a number of channels
equaling the number of compare operations.
NAME - name of the module.
NUMCMPS - number of operations to compute. By default 5.
Copyright 2022 DSP Concepts, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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