AWE Designer 8.D.1.2
Will now detect if an input WAV file is missing before building the layout
Improved robustness and usability of layout variables
Updated taskbar icons for Designer and AWE_Server applications
Now allowed to replace a RUS that has the same name as an existing module
Improved notification to user when overwriting a CRUS
Removed 'subsystem' tag from default module search list for new RUS/CRUS
Removed unneeded information from AWJ files to make file size smaller
Column names for arrays in the module properties panel will now show associated channel names when appropriate
Added multiple sections and improved clarity to DocHub Designer documentation
Bug Fixes
Source modules will now correctly inherit clockDivider from subsystem pins
ModuleList.h files for layouts with CRUS will now include all necessary module classes
Fixed issue with clashing objectId's and unsaved inspector values when using multiple of the same CRUS
Sharing a CRUS with a user inspector will now work on any machine
Deleting a CRUS will now delete all relevant files
Added missing header files to installer to allow custom module creators to successfully compile
Fixed issue where modules would lose debug status if a module argument was changed
Changing arguments of a module will now result in the proper default values for new variables and arrays
Corrected how module variable steps are handled if they are beyond the allowable variable range
Now safely handling NaNs when entered in module variable values in the module properties window
Inspector values will no longer be corrupted if they are opened multiple times
Copying modules beyond the size of the canvas will no longer corrupt the canvas size
Corrected position of layout name on the canvas
Fixed awe_designer script so it no longer opens an unresponsive window if passing in an AWD
AWE Designer 8.D.1.1
New Feature
New Compiled Reusable Subsystems (CRUS) feature provides IP protection for shareable modules by compiling subsystem contents into AWB format
New DSP Concepts logos implemented in the AWE Designer platform
Native target's fundamental block size can now be set by the user in AWE_Server.ini
Improvements to the Creating a User Inspector and Reusable Subsystems (RUS) sections of the AWE Designer User Guide
Module size is automatically reduced when the number of input pins is reduced
Module pin information is now saved in AWD files