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About This Application Note

This ‘Profiling in Audio Weaver’ application note contains instructions for computational and memory profiling of and Audio Weaver Designer (.awd) signal flow in Audio Weaver.  The  The profiling works in real time on a running .awd layout (Figure 1) for both Native (PC) and on embedded targets.


This profiling happens while the audio processing is running in real-time. Additionally, there is a manual audio pump feature which does similar profiling but operates in non-real-time.


Real Time Profiling

In Audio Weaver, Design Mode refers to a non-running .awd, while Tuning Mode refers to a running .awd layout.  You can enter Tuning Mode by clicking the run button in Audio Weaver Designer:


The ‘Block by Block’ profiling will provide information MHz and Memory consumption of each individual element of the .awd at the time of the profiling, while ‘Peak’ profiling will provide information about average and peak CPU cycle usage over a user-specified time.


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Selecting ‘Profile Block by Block’ will automatically run profiling on the entire running .awd layout at the time of selection, while ‘Profile Peak’ is manually started once the desired ‘Sampling Period’ and ‘Test Length” fields are set:


Understanding Real Time Profiling Information

Block by Block Profiling

When selecting the ‘Profile Block by Block’ real time profiling option, Audio Weaver will run complete MHz and Memory profiling on the entire audio system signal flow (.awd) and display the profiling information in a pop-up window. The ‘Tick’ mentioned here is the time measured in terms of CPU clock cycles. It can be measured as Tick = (1/CPU Clock Frequency). MHz is the Million Instructions Per Second (MIPS) of the system.


  • Total ticks per block process available (calculated and measured)

  • Average ticks per block

  • Instantaneous ticks per block

  • Peak ticks per block

  • Total memory usage of the system

  • Shared heap memory for multi-instance architectures

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Profile Block by Block Terminology

The following table describes each field:


In a multi-instance architecture, by default the profiling pop-up window displays profiling information for all of the Audio Weaver instances used:

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To display profiling information for only one specific Audio Weaver instance, you can do so by selecting the desired Audio Weaver instance from the Instance drop down menu in the upper left-hand corner:


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Peak Profiling

When selecting the Profile Peak real time profiling option, the Peak Profile Window will pop up:


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As discussed above, the ‘Sampling Period’ and ‘Test Length’ fields must be entered in order to run the peak profiling.  The time unit for both fields are seconds, and the default values are 0.5s sampling period and 10s test length.  When ready to start the peak profiling, simply click the ‘Start’ button.


The ‘Peak vs Average Cycles’ graph at the top of the Peak Profiling pop-up window displays peak and average CPU usage percentages of the processor Audio Weaver is running on.  If the running .awd has a multi-instance architecture or contains multi-threading, multiple profiling measurements for each Audio Weaver instance and thread will also display.  The x-axis is time in seconds and the y-axis is CPU percentage:

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The bottom portion of the Peak Profiling pop-up window displays a Legend for the Peak vs Average Cycles line graph and an Instance List to select which Audio Weaver instance profiling measurements to display:


Manual Profiling

As mentioned earlier in this application note, Audio Weaver also features Manual Profiling, which collects the same exact profiling information as the real-time block by block profiling but in a different manner. Rather than profiling the runtime input audio stream, during manual profiling, real-time processing is halted on the target and all layouts present in the AWD/AWJ signal flow are processed one at a time through tuning commands (pump_layout), for the user specified amount of audio frames. The yielded profiling results may be preferred in some cases, as this decouples discrete layout processing (and thus layout thread priority) from real-time audio device interrupts. This allows for accurate profiling even in cases when the target is not configured for real-time audio, or if a layout is unable to finish executing in the allotted clock cycles (calculated total ticks per block process available).


If no audio file is used as input audio data, the Manual Profiler will use audio data from the specified source selected in the Layout Properties.

Exporting Profiling Data to CSV

All the Audio Weaver profiling utilities allow you to export the profiling data to a comma separated value (.csv) file.  All three of the profiling windows (Profile Block by Block, Profile Peak, and Manual Profile Layout) have an ‘Export to File’ Button:


For multi-instance architectures, every Audio Weaver profiling utility enables users to export either profiling data for all instances or individual profiling data for a selected Audio Weaver instance:


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For block by block and manual profiling of multi-instance architectures, if profiling data for all instances are selected for export, Audio Weaver will generate one aggregate profiling CSV file and individual CSV files for each Audio Weaver instance in the system:


The Profile Peak .csv file is structured as followed, where the Peak and Average Cycle CPU% profile values are indexed by the specified time period in seconds:


Profiling Diagrams

Below are some diagrams that further illustrate the real time profiling function in Audio Weaver.


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CycleBurner, BiquadLoading, and FIRLoading Modules

The CycleBurner, BiquadLoading, FIRLoading and MemoryLoading Modules intentionally consume processing cycles on the target processor.  They are useful for load/stress testing.

CycleBurner Module

The CycleBurner intentionally consumes a user-specified number of clock cycles.  You can increase the number of clock cycles used by CycleBurner by adjusting the ‘numCyclesPerBlock’ slider of CycleBurner’s inspector.  Using this technique we can increase the number of cycles until we start to hear distortion in the program material that is being processed by the signal flow.


If a higher priority tasks pre-empt the CycleBurner, the execution time of the CycleBurner will remain constant.  This assumes that the module is pre-empted and the pre-emption completes before the Cycle Burner completesImage Added

Profiling Properties

The Profiling Properties menu is available during design time from the Tools → Profiling Running Layout → Profiling Properties menu.


This menu lets the user control the profiling options being used on the target system. The profiling options can be applied to each instance on the target independently using the Instance To Control dropdown. The options shown when the menu launches are queried from the currently attached target, so they represent the current state of the target's profiling. The target can control these options using the AWE Core APIs awe_setProfilingStatus and awe_setProfilingOptions.


The details of each controllable profiling option are discussed below.

Profiling Status

The profiling status dropdown has 4 options for enabling and disabling certain profiling modes.


The two modes that can be controlled are module and layout . Module profiling enables the collection of profiling information on the target for each module in the layout. Layout profiling controls the collection of profiling information for the layouts running on the target. These profiling results are what is shown in the profiling tools discussed in the previous sections; disabling either of these profiling modes will impact what the profiling tools can show. The 4 options are:

  1. Disable All: disables both layout and module profiling. No information will be available in the profiling tools in Designer. The profiling overhead on that target will be minimized, but can not be measured.

  2. Enable All: enables both layout and module profiling. The Designer profiling tools will have complete data, but the overhead on the target could be significant. This is the default value for unmodified systems.

  3. Enable Module Only: enables module level profiling and disables layout profiling. The Peak Profiling tool will not be able to return useful values when using this option. Module level profiling provides the most detailed information, but is the most computationally expensive part of profiling. This setting is not commonly used, since disabling only layout profiling sacrifices the highest level profiling information and does not reduce CPU load significantly.

  4. Enable Layout Only: enables layout level profiling and disables module profiling. The Block-By-Block and Manual Profiling tools will not be able to show detailed module profiling when this option is selected. This setting can be useful to determine the overall CPU load of the layout without the computational load of module profiling. Comparing the overall layout load of this setting to Enable All will show the overall computational cost of collecting module level profiling information. On some systems this is a trivial cost, but on other systems it can be significant. Using this option can provide more processing margin for the layout at the expense of profiling observability.

Module Profiling Type

This option controls whether to collect average or peak profiling for modules, which is ultimately what will be shown in Block-By-Block and Manual Profiling results.


The default is average, which will provide a smoothed value for each module’s profiling. Average profiling provides a stable view of the CPU usage of a module, but intermittent and potentially unexpected peaks in cycles will be smoothed over and missed.+

The peak module profiling type will track the largest instantaneous cycle over the duration of layout processing. The peak value for each module can increase over time, so refreshing the profiling information can be a good way to see if unexpected and significant peaks are occurring for some or all modules on the system. When this happens, it can mean that the target system has threads that are pre-empting the audio processing threads and causing false CPU loads on the module that happened to be running when the thread got pre-empted. See the Accurate Profiling section below for a related discussion.

Accurate Profiling

The accurate profiling option controls over the thread pre-emption profiling correction logic running in the AWE Core. This feature is enabled by default.


Layouts that use multiple clock dividers will execute on multiple threads, each at their own priority level and block-rate. As these layouts are processed, it is likely that a lower priority layout is interrupted by a higher priority thread. The result is that the pre-empted layout’s profiling will include the pre-empting layouts processing time. This leads to higher measured profiling cycles than actual cycles.

When accurate profiling is enabled, the pre-emption of a layout’s processing is corrected by the AWE Core framework. This correction logic results in more accurate profiling for multi-threaded layouts, but also has an impact on CPU load. The disable option allows the user to skip this correction altogether.

There can be other threads or processes in the system that cannot be corrected since they exist outside the measurement framework. This can include audio callbacks or tuning interfaces in the application running AWE Core. The Peak Profiling tool and the peak module profiling type are useful ways to analyze the stability of the system’s profiling.

CPU and Memory Loading Modules

The CycleBurner, CycleBurnerSet, BiquadLoading, FIRLoading and MemoryLoading Modules intentionally consume processing cycles on the target processor.  They are useful for load/stress testing.

CycleBurner Module

The CycleBurner intentionally consumes a user-specified number of clock cycles (cycles are at the rate of the target’s Profile clock rate displayed in AWE_Server).  You can increase the number of clock cycles used by CycleBurner by adjusting the ‘numCyclesPerBlock’ slider of CycleBurner’s inspector.  Using this technique we can increase the number of cycles until we start to hear distortion in the program material that is being processed by the signal flow.


Since the CycleBurner relies on a specified number of cycles to elapse to finish processing, systems with multiple threads running can cause inconsistent CPU loading when using this module. For example, if the thread running the CycleBurner, set to consume 10,000 cycles, is preempted by another thread for 6,000 cycles, the CycleBurner itself will only process for 4,000 cycles. The FIR and Biquad Loading modules described below can provide more predictable CPU loading in multi-threaded systems.

CycleBurnerSet Module

There is also a CycleBurnerSet module that burns cycles in the Set function rather than the Process function. This can be a good way to test the robustness of the target system implementation, since long processing in the Set function should never cause dropouts in audio processing. The CycleBurnerSet module relies on a trigger to burn the cycles.

BiquadLoading Module

The BiquadLoading Module simulates the loading of biquad filters.  This module is used for CPU load testing purposes and implements a large number of cascade cascaded Biquad filters set to have passthrough coefficients.  At instantiation time, you specify the maximum number of filter stages that you would like to simulate.  Then at run-time you can vary the number of filters running.  This makes the CPU work harder.  Internally, the module uses the BiquadCascade module to implement the filtering.


FIRLoading Module

The FIRLoading Module simulates FIR filter loading. This module is used for CPU load testing purposes and implements a large number of FIR filter taps. At instantiation time, you specify the maximum number of filter taps that you would like to simulate. Then at run-time you can vary the number of filter taps. This makes the CPU work harder since more filter taps are running. Internally, the module uses the FIR module to implement the filtering.


If the FIRLoading Module is pre-empted, then the execution time of the modules will be increased.


MemoryLoading Module

This module is used to check the memory bandwidth of the target. At instantiation time you specify the size of the memory buffer (memSize) and in which heap it should be allocated (memHeap). Then at run time, the module writes a block counter value into every value of the array. It repeats this blockWriteCount times per block process. That is, every time the processing function is called, the module performs a total blockWriteCount*memSize memory write operations. All write operations write the current value of the block counter.

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Additional Notes on Audio Weaver Profiling

  • Since system and other interrupts can and sometimes will preempt audio processing, every profiling measurement has a first order low pass filter to mitigate preemption spikes.  The low pass filters are designed so that the time for the profiling values to stabilize is less than 5 seconds.  The output of these low pass filters represents the average cycle profiling numbers.

  • In order for profiling to be accurate for embedded targets, the AWE Core relies on a suitable operation to retrieve the system cycle count.  This operation can be implemented internally in the AWE Core library configuration only if the method supported by the target is known at compile time.  If the cycle count retrieve function is not implemented in the AWE Core library configuration, then the user must supply functions that retrieve the system cycle count as part of the application.  The core speed and the units of the retrieved cycle counts must be correctly defined by the user for the profiling to be accurate.

Audio Weaver Server Profiling

While an .awd is running in Audio Weaver, the Audio Weaver Server provides real time CPU and Memory profiling of the entire layout:


Server Profiling on Multi-CPU Targets

AWE Core may be running in multiple threads on several CPUs in some instances. The application is not aware of which CPU the thread is running on by default. This means that without some extra work, the default display of CPU % cannot be trusted for multi CPU targets as the assumption will be that all threads run on a single CPU.
