Revamped MATLAB AWE framework by adopting more efficient implementation, resulting in faster build and load times
AWE objects are now passed as handles, instead of copied-by-assignment
Existing user scripts may not be compatible if they rely on assignments creating new objects. To address this, update scripts to explicitly call the 'copy' function (see (8.D.2.7) Updating MATLAB User Scripts to 8.D.2.4/8.D.2.5+ for more details)
Standard edition is now built using MATLAB 2023b (requires MCR version 2023b Update 3)
CRUS modules now support controlling internal variables with ParamSet modules
Added calculated layout block rate in profiling results, in addition to existing measured time per process
Added information in AWE_Server about heap alignment words for the attached target
Plot Frequency Response now uses different colors for each channel
Improved robustness when loading corrupted .awd's
New Feature
New Compiled Reusable Subsystems (CRUS) feature provides IP protection for shareable modules by compiling subsystem contents into AWB format
New DSP Concepts logos implemented in the AWE Designer platform
Native target's fundamental block size can now be set by the user in AWE_Server.ini
Improvements to the Creating a User Inspector and Reusable Subsystems (RUS) sections of the AWE Designer User Guide
Module size is automatically reduced when the number of input pins is reduced
Module pin information is now saved in AWD files