This document describes the Audio Weaver modules and module library. The MATLAB scripting interface is described in (8.D.2.7) MATLAB Scripting API. Read more about the graphical designer in (8.D.2.7) AWE Designer User Guide.
Audio samples are represented as 32-bit values. Several different data types are available:
Float32 – standard IEEE-754 32-bit floating-point with 1 sign bit, 8 exponent bits, and 23 mantissa bits.
Int32 – Standard twos two's complement 32-bit integer. The signed values are in the range [-2^{31},+(2^{31})][−231,+(231)].
Fract32 – Fractional representation where values are scaled in the range [-1 +1 )[−1 +1). This is standard integer representation with an implied scale factor of 2^{-31}2−31 .
At the top of the module browser, there is a checkbox to filter based on the different module data types. (See below.). This will filter out modules for hardware that operates on specific sample data type (fract32 for fixed-point). The integer module libraries are typically used for control operations and work on both fixed-point and floating-point targets. The type convert module allows any data type to transfer into the others. This may be destructive if converting to a type with lower resolution.