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As there is no processing if a biquad stage is bypassed, IIR Accelerators maybe expensive if the module is used with a majority of the biquad stages bypassed. Please use the BiquadSparseV3 module in that case.

When using Raw Coefficients, the order of coefficients in the table is:

b0, b1, b2, a1, a2

TargetCoeffs are calculated from rawCoeffs to suit the structure of the High Precision filter.

CurrentCoeffs are in the same format/order as targetCoeffs subjected to the smoothing process. After the smoothing interval, the currentCoeffs should converge towards the Target Coeffs.

Type Definition

Code Block
typedef struct _ModuleBiquadSparseHP
    ModuleInstanceDescriptor instance;            // Common Audio Weaver module instance structure
    INT32 numStages;                              // Number of cascaded stages of the second order filter.
    FLOAT32 smoothingTime;                        // Time constant of the smoothing process.
    INT32 updateActive;                           // Specifies whether the filter coefficients are updating (=1) or fixed (=0).
    FLOAT32 smoothingCoeff;                       // Smoothing coefficient. This is computed based on the smoothingTime, sample rate, and block size of the module.
    INT32 bulkParamsUpdate;                       // State variable to handle bulk changes in filter parameters.
    INT32 rawCoeffsIndex;                         // Raw coefficient filter type index.
    INT32* filterType;                            // Selects the type of filter that is implemented by the module: Bypass=0, Gain=1, Butter1stLPF=2, Butter2ndLPF=3, Butter1stHPF=4, Butter2ndHPF=5, Allpass1st=6, Allpass2nd=7, Shelf2ndLow=8, Shelf2ndLowQ=9, Shelf2ndHigh=10, Shelf2ndHighQ=11, PeakEQ=12, Notch=13, Bandpass=14, Bessel1stLPF=15, Bessel1stHPF=16, AsymShelf1stLow=17, AsymShelf1stHigh=18, SymShelf1stLow=19, SymShelf1stHigh=20, VariableQLPF=21, VariableQHPF=22, Resonant=23, RawCoeffs=24.
    FLOAT32* freq;                                // Cutoff frequency of the filter, in Hz.
    FLOAT32* gain;                                // Amount of boost or cut to apply, in dB if applicable.
    FLOAT32* Q;                                   // Specifies the Q of the filter, if applicable.
    FLOAT32* rawCoeffs;                           // Matrix of filter raw coefficients. The size of the matrix is 5 x numStages x numChannels. Each column contains the variables for a biquad arranged as [b0; b1; b2; a1; a2].
    FLOAT32* currentCoeffscurrenttCoeffs;                       // Matrix of smoothed filter current coefficients coefficients in the High Precision format. The size of the matrix is 5 x numStages x numChannels. Each column contains the variables for a biquad arranged as [b0Fb; b1Gaa; b2Gab; a1K; a2Fa].
    FLOAT32* targetCoeffs;                        // Matrix of filter coefficients in the High Precision format. The size of the matrix is 5 x numStages x numChannels. Each column contains the variables for a biquad arranged as [Fb; Gaa; Gab; K; Fa].
    FLOAT32* state;                               // State variables. 2*numChannels per section.
    INT32* bypass;                                // State buffer used internally to store coeffs bypass status.
    INT32* currentBypass;                         // State buffer used internally to store coeffs bypass status.
    void * hardware_specific_struct_pointer;      // This is the internal array used for ADI IIR accelerator. Size is determined internally
} ModuleBiquadSparseHPClass;
