Within the “WelcomeToAWE_SynthTutorial.awd” there are 7 sections or steps to creating the signal flow. In a blank design, there will always be an input and output audio pin labeled “SYS_in” and “SYS_out”. Since all audio is generated from within the design, there is no need for the input pin to bring in audio. We stop the input pin from sending audio by connecting the Type Convert following it, to a Sink module. New modules can be searched for and dragged onto the canvas from the module browser on the left side of the Designer window. Any module with blue in or out pins needs to be connected with a wire for the design to run. The Sink module allows this connection while discarding the input data. We also set block size of the design by right clicking the input pin module, selecting “View Properties”, clicking the build tab in the properties window, and changing the block size from 32 to 256.
optional output tools
Another optional step in preparation, is to add a meter, and scope to the output stage of the design.