Multiband graphic equalizer
This subsystem implements a complete multiband graphic equalizer. The number of bands and filter order is specified at instantiation time. The subsystem consists of a cascade of individual band pass filters.
The upper and lower band edges of the bandpass filter modules are set to logarithmic spacing between the center frequency values, with the low edge and high edge variables affecting the first and last module, respectively. If you change the low or high edge variable and want to reset the center frequency variable array, you will need to modify the nbands argument to reinitialize values in the center frequency variable array. These default values can be overridden after the subsystem has been created. Please note that if you change any of these defaults, the inspector will not update until a prebuild of the system has taken place.
Type Definition
-Not Shown-
Name | Type | Usage | isHidden | Default value | Range | Units |
lowEdge | float | parameter | 0 | 31.25 | 0:16000 | Hz |
highEdge | float | parameter | 0 | 8000 | 0:16000 | Hz |
centerFreqs | float* | parameter | 0 | [1 x 10] | 20:16000 | Hz |
Input Pins
Name: in
Description: Audio Input
Sample rate range: Unrestricted
Complex support: Real
Output Pins
Name: out
Description: Audio output
Data type: float
Scratch Pins
Channel count: 1
Block size: 32
Sample rate: 48000
File Name: graphic_eq_subsystem.m