Name | Type | Default value | Range | Description |
modVar | string | none | Unrestricted | The module variable to control, in . format |
mapping | string | lin | lin/db20/undb20 | Controls the mapping between the variable and meter display |
max | float | 10 | Unrestricted | Maximum meter value |
min | float | -60 | Unrestricted | Minimum meter value |
ticks | int | 13 | 2:1:32 | Max number of automatic ticks to use |
useticks | string | ticks+numbers | ticks+numbers/no ticks/ticks only | Controls display style of tick marks |
caption | string | meter | Unrestricted | A short text string to display above the meter |
format | string | %g | Unrestricted | printf() style format string used to display numbers – see man printf(1) |
units | string | none | Unrestricted | When not empty, displays units string below the caption |
color.text | int | 000000 | 0:1:ffffff | Color of the text |
edit.below | int | 0 | 0:1:1 | If true, the value edit box is shown beneath the meter instead of above |
edit.hide | int | 0 | 0:1:1 | If true, the edit box is not shown |
font.name | string | 'MS Shell Dlg 2' | Unrestricted | Any available Windows font may be used. All text in the inspector uses the same font |
font.size | int | 8 | 6:1:72 | Size in points to use for the font. If the font is too large for the space available, the text will be clipped |
font.style | string | normal | normal/bold/italic | Available styles are normal italic and bold |
scaletext | int | false | 0:1:1 | When true, text font size scales with inspector size |
border | int | 1 | 0:1:1 | When false, the surrounding border is turned off |
caption.height | int | 3 | 0:1:3 | The number of vertical lines to reserve for the caption and units strings. When zero, caption is not displayed |
color.bgnd | int | f0f0f0 | 0:1:ffffff | Color of the inspector background |
color.border | int | b4b4b4 | 0:1:ffffff | Color of the inspector border, if shown |
height | int | 250 | 0: | Height in DPI independent units |
scale | float | 1.0 | 0.5:3.0 | Specifies the magnification of all parts of the inspector |
width | int | 69 | 50:1:100 | Width in DPI independent units |
x | int | none | Unrestricted | Horizontal position of top left in DPI independent units |
y | int | none | Unrestricted | Vertical position of top left in DPI independent units |