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Comment: Reverted from v. 2

This section contains the following pages:

Child pages (Children Display)

Long FIR Filter

This zero latency FIR allows for large FIR filters by breaking a large convolution into multiple smaller convolutions. This module supports one channel of audio. The larger the blockSize, the more efficient the processing. It expects time domain FIR coefficients, and will automatically convert these into the frequency domain for processing. It is recommended to load the coefficients as a text file using the properties browser to edit the FIR array, rather than typing them in by hand.

WOLA Forward Filterbank (Analysis)

This module is used to convert a time domain(real number) signal into frequency domain(complex number) bins. The output of this module will operate according to this blocksize. From this point on, the data is complex. See the Frequency Domain folder for modules that operate within the complex domain. The first and last bin represent DC, and have no complex data.


WOLA Inverse Filterbank (Synthesis)

This module will convert a block of frequency bin(complex number) data into the time domain(real number). This is normally paired with WOLA Forward Filterbank (Analysis). Be sure to keep the WOLA Forward and Inverse sizes the same. More information is provided in the Frequency Domain section.
