In the menu that opens up, the user can choose to continue to inherit the delay from upstream wires, add a fixed value to the inherited delay, or override the inherited delay with a new value. The coefficients supplied to this FIRNChan module introduce a 16 sample delay to the first channel, and an 8 sample delay to the second channel, so the wire information is edited as below:
Feedback Wires
In an Audio Weaver layout, data typically flows from the input towards the output, with the output of one module feeding the input of one or more modules after it in the processing order. However, it is possible to feed the output of a module back to the input of a module that precedes it in the processing order. In this case, the new data will not be processed until the next block of data is processed resulting in a delay of one block. In AWE Designer, such feedback wires need to be specified manually. To do this, right-click on a wire and select ‘Feedback’ from the context menu:
The properties of the feedback wire can then be specified as either to be related to the properties of the layout’s input pin, or a custom value. See the Audio Weaver Module Users Guide for a detailed explanation of this feature.