Code Block |
name: 'targetLevel'
hierarchyName: 'agc.core.targetLevel'
value: -20
size: [1 1]
type: 'float'
isComplex: 0
range: [-50 50 0.1000]
isVolatile: 0
usage: 'parameter'
description: 'Target audio level.'
memorySegment: 'AWE_MOD_FAST_ANY_DATA'
arraySizeConstructor: ''
constructorCode: ''
guiInfo: [1x1 struct]
format: '%g'
units: 'dB'
isLive: 1
isHidden: 0
presets: [1x1 struct]
isArray: 0
targetInfo: [1x1 struct]
isLocked: 1
isPtr: 0
ptrExpr: ''
isRangeEditable: 1
isTuningSymbol: 0
isTextLabel: 1
isPreset: 1
isDisplayed: 1
classVersion: 29341
class: 'awe_variable'
fieldNames: {32x1 cell}
Many of the fields are set when the variable was added to the module or at build time. Some of them can be set after a module has been built.